The Storyteller Squad

How to Move Ahead: Forget About Your Goals

It’s almost the end of January. All our goals and dreams for 2021 have been set. If all is going according to plan, we’re well on our way to make those goals and dreams a reality.

Does that idea stress out anyone besides me?

I’m really good at setting goals. I’m even better at dreaming dreams and picturing exactly how I think things will (or should) turn out in the end. But that’s usually where I get stuck.

Massive goals overwhelm me. I set a goal, and I even know all the steps it will take to get to the goal, but if I focus on all of that, I become paralyzed.

It’s too much. I’ll never be able to make it. What was I thinking?

I’m here today to help you and me get past that thought pattern and move back into doing the work. It’s so simple, that I always forget what to do, but here it is:

Do the next step.

That’s it. Stop looking at the giant mountain ahead of you. Stop looking at the finish line which could be so far away. Just look at the next step, and complete it to the best of your ability.

There are many clichés and sayings about this.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Do the next right thing. (Frozen II, anyone?)

And they’re all true. Set your goal, then essentially forget about it. Put all your energy into the next step. When that is done, move on to the next one. Over and over, until you find yourself looking back and seeing that you crossed that finish line a while ago.

You can do it.

What is one next step you can take toward your goals and dreams today?

Victoria Kimble

Victoria is a wife, a mom to three girls, a full-fledged homebody, a so-so housekeeper, a mediocre musician and has dreamed of writing her whole life. She lives at the foot of the Rockies in Littleton, Colorado and she will never take that for granted. She has spent most of her life living in Colorado, with a brief six-year hiatus to live in Nebraska to attend college and get married. She is mostly a stay-at-home mom, but dabbles in a variety of other odd jobs, such as doing admin work and crocheting beard hats in the winter. She loves meat and potatoes, superhero TV shows and movies, and when the weather stays between 70 and 80 degrees. She could probably love the beach if she ever spent any time there.

Victoria spent her childhood reading and making friends with the characters in her favorite books. She never grew out of that. After many years of wondering, she decided it was time to write the stories she had always dreamed of writing. She hopes that her stories model an active Christian lifestyle, while feeding the insatiable sense of wonder and adventure that everyone has deep inside.