The Storyteller Squad

Love the lineup for February on Storyteller Squad

Ah, February. It’s a short month packed with plenty of excitement.

Today, for example, is National Dark Chocolate Day. I’m all about celebrating chocolate. It’s also my dad’s eighty-eighth birthday. Is it safe to put that many candles on a cake? (Obviously, the cake should be dark chocolate.)

Tomorrow is Groundhog’s Day, when legend claims a rodent in Pennsylvania will foretell whether we have six more weeks of winter. It’s also National Tater Tot Day. Maybe ol’ Punxsutawney would be in better mood if we had tater tots waiting outside his burrow.

This is also Black History Month, American Heart Month, and Library Lovers Month. Valentine’s Day pops up on February 14, with the season of Lent opening up three days later on February 17.

On it goes. Every day in February is marked by some special event, celebration, commemoration, or fun time.

The authors here on the Storyteller Squad also have special days marked on the calendar. I’m not going to reveal everything we have planned, but here a few teasers:

Wednesday—Do you have a manuscript that’s been pushed to the back burner? And maybe it appears that the flame has gone out? Tracy Popolizio will use our first Writing Tips Wednesday of the month to address that issue.

Friday—Sharon Rene Dick will introduce special guest author Patricia Bradley, who will tell us about her new book (which releases tomorrow!), Obsession—Natchez Trace Park Rangers, Book 2, released.

February 8—Julane Fisher motivates us at the beginning of next week with a post titled “How to Persevere Without Fear.”

February 10— Michelle McCorkle will introduce us to another special guest author, Michael Carroll and his “Lessons from the Wall.” It’s about how to get over writing obstacles or the dreaded writer’s block.

February 17—On Ash Wednesday, Jill Willis will discuss how anyone who likes to write can use Lent as an intentional season of focus on their writing ministry.

February 19—Kristen Johnson reviews Angela Ruth Strong’s Fun 4 Hire series, the tales of Joey Michael’s adventures hiring himself out for various jobs such as a professional water fighter, a pillow fighter, a snowball fighter, and (uh-oh) a food fighter. 

February 24—Michelle Welsh plans to share three ways to build a platform. If you’ve tried to get agents and publishers interested in your great books, you already know that one of their first questions is what kind of platform do you have? Stop by so you’ll be prepared.

February 26—Gretchen Carlson will review middle grade novel The Lion of Mars by Jennifer Holm. It’s a coming of age story of a boy growing up in a space station on Mars. That has my curiosity piqued.

What else is coming up in February? We’re leaving room for a few surprises. So check in every Monday (motivation), Wednesday (writing tips), and Friday (fun reads) to discover the latest adventures of the Storyteller Squad.

You can also, join the Storyteller Squad on Facebook at Have a blessed Lenten season filled anew with God’s mercies and wonders.

Burton W. Cole

Burton W. Cole is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist and award-winning humor columnist who grew up on a small farm in northeast Ohio with a slew of imaginative cousins and rambunctious cows. That boyhood inspires his colorful and comical novels, which include "Bash and the Pirate Pig," "Bash and the Chicken Coop Caper" and "Bash and the Chocolate Milk Cows." "Chicken Coop Caper" won the 2015 Selah Award for Best Middle Grade Novel. Burt is a grandpa who lives in northeast Ohio with his sweetheart and wife, Terry.

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