The Storyteller Squad

What’s Happening in August

August! Do you start school this month? We do here in Colorado. The stores have already been overtaken by the smell of new pencils and the sounds of squeaky new shoes on the linoleum.

But forget all thoughts of school. We’ve got a bang up month planned for you here at the Storyteller Squad. Here’s what you can look forward to!

Monday Motivations

Tracy, Michelle, Jill, and Julane will be pumping us up on Mondays. Feeling down? Need a boost to get you past whatever is holding you back? Keep your eye out for our Monday posts, and share with us some of your favorite inspirational quotes and memes!

Wednesday Writing Tips

Julane, Sharon, Burt, and I (Victoria) will be giving you a few secrets we’ve picked up over the years about writing. There is so much to learn, and we’re always discovering better ways to weave words together. Got any questions about writing? Hit us up, and we’ll do our best to answer!

Friday Fun Reads

Burt, Gretchen, Candice, and Tracy will all be talking about books they’re reading and books they love. Need a few more book recommendations to get you through the last days of summer? Stay tuned for their thoughts on books like Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, Mark of the Raven by Morgan L. Busse, and Friendship According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney

Follow Us on Instagram

We’re also on Instagram! Follow us @thestorytellersquad for all the picture fun.

And don’t forget the giveaway!

Comment on any of our posts in August, and you could win a book from our library!

We can’t wait to hang with you this month. See you soon!

Victoria Kimble

Victoria is a wife, a mom to three girls, a full-fledged homebody, a so-so housekeeper, a mediocre musician and has dreamed of writing her whole life. She lives at the foot of the Rockies in Littleton, Colorado and she will never take that for granted. She has spent most of her life living in Colorado, with a brief six-year hiatus to live in Nebraska to attend college and get married. She is mostly a stay-at-home mom, but dabbles in a variety of other odd jobs, such as doing admin work and crocheting beard hats in the winter. She loves meat and potatoes, superhero TV shows and movies, and when the weather stays between 70 and 80 degrees. She could probably love the beach if she ever spent any time there.

Victoria spent her childhood reading and making friends with the characters in her favorite books. She never grew out of that. After many years of wondering, she decided it was time to write the stories she had always dreamed of writing. She hopes that her stories model an active Christian lifestyle, while feeding the insatiable sense of wonder and adventure that everyone has deep inside.