The Storyteller Squad

Waves of the Sea

As writers, one of the greatest obstacles we have to overcome is fear. Specifically, fear of what other people think about our writing. When I speak to students, I ask them about their fears and I always tell them my biggest fear is them—my readers! It can be especially difficult too, if you struggle with a bit of insecurity on top (oh yeah, me too). So, what can we do about these writer insecurities so that we can rise to all the great, courageous challenges God has for us?

1. For starters, always keep your eyes on the One who gave you your gift in the first place. Seek His advice daily, and amidst your requests, remember to thank Him and praise Him.

2. Don’t lose your joy in what you are doing. God called you to it, so enjoy the ride! If you ever stop enjoying it, pause and take a good look at WHY you’re doing it, and maybe it’s time to move on.

3. Turn your thoughts from your own insecurities and fears to others around you. How can you bless them today? What could you do that might help someone else?

4. When, (notice I did not say if), when things get a bit rocky and the waves of your insecurities threaten to sink your boat, STAY THE COURSE. Do not waver or question God’s plan for you.

5. I love this one. Find people who can encourage you and build you up. You might need to seek them out. Don’t expect someone to text you randomly and start encouraging you—although that has happened and would be nice, right? I’d be willing to bet, though, if I was a betting person, that if you start doing number 3, reaching out to others during the rough times, then God will bring others to help you.

I have been the queen of insecurity. I know what it’s like to live for the approval of others. But honestly, there is only one place I NEED my approval from, and it’s the One who thinks about me (and you) so much that if we were to count them His thoughts would add up to more than the grains of sand on the beaches. The One who promised He has good plans for us. Now put your chin up, tell yourself you are loved by an everlasting Father, and step out in the face of those fears and insecurities and do it!

Tracy Popolizio

Tracy Popolizio has the opportunity to teach reading and writing to fifth graders every day. She writes inspirational middle grade fiction, with a passion to enrapture preteens in a discovery of God’s truths between the covers of a book. She shares her passion for writing and the writing process with students of various grade levels. Tracy also speaks about her personal experiences with God and how our thought processes can lead to a victorious life. In her free time, Tracy enjoys reading, playing the piano, dancing, and taking walks with her husband, as well as spending time with her two almost-grown children and four cats. Tracy lived in Connecticut her whole life until recently when the Lord called her family to South Carolina. You can learn more about Tracy at


  • I struggle with fear and mild anxiety and so this post has touched me. Thanks!

    • Jillian, hang in there and keep your eyes on God. He has great plans for you! Thank you for sharing. I will be praying for you.

    • Sharon,
      Thank you. I’m amazed how many people struggle with this as well. I will be praying for you. God’s got this!

    • Candice,
      Thank you! I’m sorry you struggle as well. I will be praying. Thank you also for your encouragement!

  • Love this post, Tracy! Your title grabbed me and held me to the end, much like your writing does. I love your line, “When things get a bit rocky and the waves of your insecurities threaten to sink your boat, STAY THE COURSE.” This has been the theme of my summer. Thank you for the inspiration. I needed it today!