The Storyteller Squad

What Will You Do Today?

The weekend is upon us. It used to be, when I was a kid, weekends lent themselves to daydreams and imagination, traipsing with my sisters through the woods neighboring our house. The rose-colored thorn branches arching overhead turned into great palace halls; thick trees with wide-spread branches morphed into spaceships and forts; bog hummocks and decaying tree knots became the hidey-holes of fairies.

I do my pretend play during the weekdays now. Immerse myself in my WIPs (work-in-progress) and live vicariously through my characters while my kids are at school. But every once in a while, in the wee hours of a Saturday morning or the lazy hours of a Sunday afternoon, I drift off from reality and tap into my memories, to the days when every future possibility, every career opportunity, sparkled with promise at my feet.

Then I reach for my laptop and…


What Will I Do Today?

Today I’ll cross swords with an armored knight

Or face down a dragon in a deadly fight.


I’ll flit through the sky on papery wings

In a land of giants and magical kings.


Today I’ll pirate a ship on the seas

Hunting for treasure, attacked by the breeze.


I’ll brave the monster squished under my bed

And lure him out with some moldy bread.


I’m an agent.

A ninja.

A cat-loving ghoul.

The choices are endless,

For I set the rules.


Today I’ll snuggle with laptop or paper.

Immersed in a fantasy, drama, or caper.


Black letters adrift on an ocean of white,

I’ll open my mind…and then I will write.


Tell me. What will you do today?

(Poem originally published on

Laurie Germaine

With a heart that beat for Europe and a nose that thumbed the American West, Laurie Germaine is a walking testimony to God's humor as she now resides in Montana with her husband, two daughters, and their Alaskan Malamute. When she's not working on a new manuscript (or rather, when said manuscript is misbehaving), you can find her knitting anything from toys to felted phone cases, crafting backdrops for her 16" Ellowyne Wilde dolls (look 'em up; you'll be fascinated, too!), embarking on DIY adventures, and generally avoiding housework.

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