It’s a little intimidating to admit this here, but…**whispers** I’m not a huge fan of setting resolutions.
There. I said it.
We are two weeks into the new year, and I have yet to set a single resolution. But, this is the first year I kind of WANT to. However, it feels like I’m setting myself up for failure if I set specific number goals and deadlines. I doubt I’m the only one who feels this way.

Lucky for me, a writer friend shared a very simple idea that I can get behind. She chooses a WORD to pray over her writing year to come—and I LOVE that idea. This is one I can accomplish and be consistent with. This is probably the idea I need the most in the stage I’m in with my dreams of being a published author.
Once the holiday craziness settled down, I’ve spent time each day praying for what word I should choose. I also reflected on the past two years since I joined the Storyteller Squad.
Here’s a quick recap:
My first manuscript was written in the first few months of 2020, just before the pandemic hit. Then, It took me 1.5 years to come out of the “writer’s closet,” so-to-speak, and declare to the world that I was an aspiring author. And I only did so because I was a finalist in a writing contest for unpublished writers. I still remember the surprise of the ACFW Virginia contest coordinator, when she asked me how long I had been writing, and I told her. That made me feel fantastic to hear the amazement in her voice.
Then I attended an online writing conference in November of 2021. I was determined to declare to the world that “I was a writer!” But, as soon as we turned on our cameras, I felt so shy. Imposter syndrome hit hard. I almost signed off to retreat to the safety of being a “nobody.” However, a sweet, newly published author reached out to me. She helped me plug into a critique group through the American Christian Fiction Writers organization (which you know as the Storyteller Squad). Later, she connected me with a group of other mom writers. She encouraged me to start an Instagram account, so I joined the #bookstagram world and in less than a year I had 1,000 followers. To wrap up my amazing first year, I also was a finalist in two more contests with my manuscript. I felt on top of the world.

In my second year, I hit a roadblock when health struggles overtook me, resulting in doctor appointments, unexpected surgery, and a long recovery. Shortly thereafter, my oldest son broke his back. It took us three months to get him back up and running. Then my middle son had ankle/foot issues that required countless appointments. The only numbers I could tally from this past year could be the number of doctor appointments and hours spent in waiting rooms.
Despite all this, my writing flourished and I wrote a new manuscript. But, with all the stress, I snuck back into my “writer’s closet.” I went quiet on social media. My manuscripts weren’t gaining recognition at writing contests. I felt like a fake and a failure—yep, my buddy “Imposter” was back to taunt me.
Then, in November, I received the good news that my newest manuscript made it to the second round of a brand-new contest for unpublished authors through Realm Makers. While I didn’t make it to round three, I felt seen. My excitement and zest returned. I hopped back into occasional Instagram posts, and my account grew to 1,500 followers.
Now yet another year of this aspiring author adventure is staring me in the face. What word did I need? What word was God putting on my heart? My perfectionist nature didn’t want to get it wrong. Words carry so much power!

During my prayer time, one word kept coming back to me—COURAGE.
As I thought back over the past few years of writing, I recognized I needed to not depend on the accolades from others. I needed to push forward, not because the world wants me to, but because GOD wants me to. I see His fingerprints all over the past two and a half years. Every time I was about to give up, I received a phone call from a contest coordinator or met a new friend who spoke encouragement into my life. Or a critique partner or beta reader gave me positive feedback.
While those things made me feel good—it can’t be my motivation to keep going. God has put these stories on my heart. I had let FEAR rule my life for far too long. I needed to have COURAGE, that can only come from Him, to take the next step, keeping my eyes focused on Him.
With a manuscript and proposal completed and ready to query to agents and publishers, COURAGE is exactly the word I need for the year to come. My manuscript has a unique premise—with strong ties back to the pages of the Bible. I boldly proclaim the gospel in my book. I have no idea how it will be received, or if it will even be received at all.
Verses I have been reflecting on are:
Deuteronomy 31:6—Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Psalms 31:24—Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!
Isaiah 41:10— Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I also will be praying Proverbs 3:5-6 over my year to come! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (This was my key verse for last year, and if I could sum up my past writing year in a word, it was TRUST. I still need it this year and every year to come!)
Starting a new tradition is always a bit daunting, but this is one I think I’ll be able to keep up with.
Do you choose a word for your year? I’d love to know what it is in the comments below. If you don’t, then please join me. It’s never too late to start something new.
Wishing you all the best in the year to come,

I love this post, Elise!! What a fantastic idea to pick a word to pray over your writing. I love it! I’m afraid I’m addicted to goals, but they work for me. I know they don’t for everyone, but what an amazing thing to find something that does work to help encourage and push you forward. Many blessings on your writing this year!
Cheering you on as you press forward to meet those goals!
Such an encouraging post. Thanks for sharing. I’m trying to get back into writing and I need courage too.
Praying for you now! We all need a dose of courage now and again 😊
Thanks for sharing your ups and downs…and courage. It’s amazing how self doubt and fears can paralyze! I love the verses you shared.
This writing gig isn’t for sissies 😉 We definitely need the Lord’s strength as we take each and every step!