The Storyteller Squad

Books to help you parent

Wendy Gorton Hill reviews books at Of Books and Boys. Enjoy browsing through her recent list and reviews of parenting books, from her February 27, 2023 post.

Wendy: My in-home parenting days are numbered. My youngest is knee-deep in driver’s training and has only 2-1/4 more years of high school. But, I have reviewed quite a few parenting books on my blog. Primarily, I seem to gravitate toward two subjects: brain development and discipline. Here are 13 books on parenting, in order from first read to last read. I have also added an asterisk to identify ones that I highly recommend. While this list is miniscule compared to how many books cover parenting, you can find more reviews on my blog for a variety of parenting books that I highly recommend.

  1. Bright from the Start by Jill Stamm
  2. How to Raise a Child With High EQ by Lawrence Shapiro PhD
  3. The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel MD and Tina Payne Bryson PhD *
  4. Honeycomb Kids by Anna M. Campbell
  5. Why Smart Kids Worry by Allison Edwards LPC
  6. No-Drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel MD and Tina Payne Bryson PhD *
  7. The Teenage Brain by Frances E Jensen MD with Amy Ellis Nutt
  8. The Opposite of Spoiled by Ron Lieber
  9. The Five Money Conversations by Scott and Bethany Palmer
  10. Thirty Million Words by Dana Suskind MD *
  11. The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children by Stormie Omartian
  12. The Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp *
  13. The Addiction Inoculation by Jessica Lahey

What parenting books have helped or encouraged you most? Leave a comment!

Gretchen Carlson

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Gretchen Carlson

Gretchen has eaten goat stomach dished up by an East African refugee and nibbled hors d’oeuvres at a governor’s mansion. Her background in journalism and education has fed her heartbeat for people and stories. As a pastor’s wife, the front door of her home—like her heart—is always open.