The Storyteller Squad

14 Uplifting Quotes for Heavy Hearts

No matter where you fall politically or patriotically, and no matter your age or occupation, there is no question that the American way of life we’ve enjoyed for more than half a century has gotten skewed and heavy as of late. To my way of looking at things, it would seem God has turned a deaf ear on my prayers, and in some cases, it seems like He’s even working against them. I know, however, that were I to view things from His perspective, this is not the case. Which means He’s doing something different or slower than I’d like, but still working things out for His greater purposes and for the good of those who love Him.

Here are some inspirational sayings and quotes to remind us that God is not surprised by what is taking place, whether here in America and elsewhere around the world. He never lost control; He’s still on the throne. May we lift our eyes and thank Him that this fallen, broken world is not our Home. May we anticipate our eternal Home just a little bit more with each passing day.

Laurie Germaine

With a heart that beat for Europe and a nose that thumbed the American West, Laurie Germaine is a walking testimony to God's humor as she now resides in Montana with her husband, two daughters, and their Alaskan Malamute. When she's not working on a new manuscript (or rather, when said manuscript is misbehaving), you can find her knitting anything from toys to felted phone cases, crafting backdrops for her 16" Ellowyne Wilde dolls (look 'em up; you'll be fascinated, too!), embarking on DIY adventures, and generally avoiding housework.


  • Great quotes and a great reminder. We are not in charge. He knows His plan for us.
    When life is kicking us around, He sees and will lift us up. It may not be in our time, but His.

  • These are so good, Laurie! I love the one especially about patience in a moment of anger will save you from a hundred moments of regret. Oh, I need those moments of patience with my children right now, as well as with the world at large.