The Storyteller Squad

Four letters

Tomorrow we step into December, so may I offer you a word?

 Christmas is all about these four letters.

The whirl and glitter of December stir me into action. I like to decorate, bake, buy gifts, and string my life with busy verbs. But as I cross off the to-do list, I circle my favorite preposition. This small word motivates me.

And it carries the meaning of Christmas.

God put on flesh and became a baby to become our Savior—Jesus. The name Jesus highlights a noun and a verb. It means: The Lord Saves.

But my favorite preposition is found in another name for Jesus—Immanuel—which means God with us.


I’ll never forget an afternoon in a small city park. It wasn’t the day, place, or activity that made the occasion special. It was the person I was with. I was falling in love, walking with the man I would later marry. This fall we celebrated 43 years of sharing life with each other, and I’m thankful for the gift of marriage and family.

The amazing story of Christmas centers on God’s gift to us. Jesus offers us life with him. Every day. Every moment.

In our broken world, friendships may falter and relationships fall apart. Social distancing has sharpened the sword of loneliness. We can be disconnected, but Christmas is a reminder that God doesn’t want us to live alone. Immanuel offers to be with us. In everything.   

No matter what’s going on in your life, hang on. God hasn’t forgotten you. Even a mundane Monday can be extra-ordinary with Jesus.

Blessings!  Gretchen Carlson

Do you have a favorite Christmas word? Or a favorite Christmas book?


Gretchen Carlson

Gretchen has eaten goat stomach dished up by an East African refugee and nibbled hors d’oeuvres at a governor’s mansion. Her background in journalism and education has fed her heartbeat for people and stories. As a pastor’s wife, the front door of her home—like her heart—is always open.


  • We all need to be reminded of the power of words like WITH. It is too easy to over look the importance of these simple words and their meaning. Webster defines with as:
    along side, or member of, and relation to, etc. Certainly God is WITH us and the Holy Spirit is IN us if we are true believers in Jesus.

    Powerful story Gretchen, keep the stories coming.

    Nolan F.

    • I can’t agree with you more. Words are powerful, even small prepositions! Thanks for checking out the Storytellersquad. There are different posts Monday, Wednesday and Fridays!

  • Gretchen, this is such a great reminder especially this year. Thank you for the beautiful way you presented it.