The Storyteller Squad

Advice from a 1700’s Letter

Have you ever felt confused, worn out from wondering which direction you’re supposed to be heading? I’ve known that feeling—very well. I knew what I wanted to be doing, but was that what God really wanted me to do? I wasn’t sure.

John Wesley was a British theologian who lived during the 1700’s. William Wilberforce, a British politician, lived during Wesley’s time. Wilberforce was heavily involved in abolishing the slave trade. In John Wesley’s last letter before he died, he wrote to William Wilberforce in reference to his movement. This is what he said: “Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of His might.”

I LOVE the part when he wrote, “If God be for you, who can be against you?” That day I prayed about the one thing I was most confused about, I told God, “I’m tired. I’m done with this. I surrender it to You. If You want to do something with it then You need to be the one to somehow make it happen and show me.” Guess what? He did! The very next day. Now, I know that in real life things often happen much slower than in the TV show or movie, where the conflict must be resolved by the end. God often takes His time. But in this instance, while things weren’t completely resolved, He settled my heart quickly and showed me that He had raised me up for that very thing, and as long as He was for me, nobody (including Satan) could be against me.

photo by Chris Henry, unsplash

Have you ever felt like William Wilberforce? If you had a friend like John Wesley, would his letter be appropriate for you? Maybe you’ve wondered if what you’re doing is way too big for God and maybe you are trying to do it by yourself. Or maybe God has told you to do something and you know He’s in it but you have no idea how you’ll accomplish it, short of the biggest miracle of the century? I’d love to hear about it. And if you’re still going through it, hang on—resist the fear or discouragement, and “be not weary of well doing! Go on (my friend), in the name of God and in the power of His might.” With God’s help, you’ve got this!

Tracy Popolizio

Tracy Popolizio has the opportunity to teach reading and writing to fifth graders every day. She writes inspirational middle grade fiction, with a passion to enrapture preteens in a discovery of God’s truths between the covers of a book. She shares her passion for writing and the writing process with students of various grade levels. Tracy also speaks about her personal experiences with God and how our thought processes can lead to a victorious life. In her free time, Tracy enjoys reading, playing the piano, dancing, and taking walks with her husband, as well as spending time with her two almost-grown children and four cats. Tracy lived in Connecticut her whole life until recently when the Lord called her family to South Carolina. You can learn more about Tracy at

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