The Storyteller Squad

You’ve found the sweet spot

You’ve found the sweet spot

Happy February—the month of valentines and candy. It couldn’t get sweeter here at Storytellersquad. We’ve packaged savory Monday motivations, tasty writing tips on Wednesdays, and delicious book reviews each Friday. We promise to sweeten your life more than a box of assorted chocolates!

Years ago, a Valentine’s card saved me. I was in 7th grade and attended a rough inner-city school, the kind where students struggle to survive.

I never knew why a gang leader targeted me at the beginning of second semester, but her followers made my life miserable. During passing periods, I was spit on, hit, kicked, and mocked. As January wound down, I was terrified I’d be beaten after school—one against a gang.

In February, I bought a fancy Valentine’s card with the glittery words To My Friend, and with shaky knees, I gave it to my “enemy.” Actually, I ran to her, thrust the card into her hand and fled. Fast.

We never became friends, but for the rest of the school year, the leader and her gang ignored me, and life fell back to normal.

 Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies. After the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was criticized for not treating Confederate leaders harshly. But his response was the question, “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?

On this Monday—be encouraged. A smile, kind word, or even a valentine can have more impact than you imagine. Love and kindness are stronger than hate.

Please share a comment on how an act of kindess made a difference, either in your or someone else’s life. Let’s encourage each other with our stories.

For more bites of motivation, here’s a sampling of what you’ll want to sink your teeth into this month at Storytellersquad:

Improve your writing by digging into Deep Point of View with Sharon Dick.

Gather insights on how to expand your platform through Michelle McCorkle’s informative interview with the owner of a social media marketing company.

Self-doubt and rejections can trip anyone, but Tracy Popolizio sheds light on how to hold on to one’s identity in Christ, especially as writers.

Book reviews to please the varied tastes of readers:  The Story Peddler, by Lindsay Franklin, Frank Peretti’s Cooper Kids series, and the speculative, adventure book The Hadley Academy for the Improbably Gifted by Connor Grennan.

And this is just a quick peek! Happy February!

(PS Comments “put your name in the hat” for our monthly book giveaway).

Gretchen Carlson

Gretchen Carlson

Gretchen has eaten goat stomach dished up by an East African refugee and nibbled hors d’oeuvres at a governor’s mansion. Her background in journalism and education has fed her heartbeat for people and stories. As a pastor’s wife, the front door of her home—like her heart—is always open.