The Storyteller Squad
Monday Motivation

Inspirational Word of the Year

The first week in January, I prayerfully reflect on what I could have done better the previous 365 days and what goals I’d like to accomplish going forward. Based on my honest inner admissions, I select a word to remind me of my priorities. In the past, I’ve chosen love, prayer, patience and listen, among many others. I then sit down with my Bible and single out a verse to guide me through the year. This is my version of New Year’s resolutions.

During my self-assessment of 2018, I realized that I had tackled too many projects and accomplished few major goals. Sad, but true. It was a no-brainer to choose focus as my 2019 Inspirational Word of the Year (IWOTY).

I then asked God to reveal a supporting scripture. This took several days. I finally stumbled upon a perfect verse in Lysa Terkeurst’s Embraced devotional—Isaiah 30:21. I wrote the word and the scripture on a blue note and stuck it on the bottom left side of my computer. It’s a solid reminder that God loves me so much He’s willing to guide my every move.

When I get stuck on a plot point, I glance at the sticky note. Many times, I’ll read it aloud and whisper, “Speak to me, Lord.” And He will. His direction is always so much better than mine.

Since I memorized the verse, I use it when I make decisions—large and small. His Spirit nudges me to rearrange priorities, put others before myself and weigh my options. Often, His words flow through others, but it’s obvious that He’s the one speaking.

If you sometimes feel unmotivated and uninspired, I recommend you select a word and a Bible verse to guide you. Don’t wait until January to do it. Procrastination should never be your IWOTY. You should awaken each morning excited about the day. Try this strategy. I promise it’ll change your heart.

Have you ever selected a word and/or scripture to guide you? If so, do you mind sharing?

Jill K Willis

Jill K Willis is the author of "The Demons Among Us," a young adult speculative novel about a brother and sister who team with friends to battle a legion of demons invading their high school. Published by Redemption Press, this novel won the American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Award. Jill lives on a lake north of Atlanta with her husband and a one-eyed orange kitty. Subscribe to her newsletter at


  • In my bible study, we selected focus words. Mine were wisdom and patience. With the school year steadily approaching, I believe I will choose some form of time management.

    • Great idea!

      A kind of scary matching verse comes from Psalms 39:4, “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is.”
