The Storyteller Squad

How to Help an Author…and a GIVEAWAY!!

I think you probably know by now that authors love to write. We have great fun coming up with stories and characters, and we love the way words sound when you fit them together. Writing stories is hard work, so we love it enough to keep at it for as long as it takes to present a finished product to the world.

But I think I can speak for most authors and say that we love it when people read our stories just as much as we love writing them. If we didn’t, we’d just fill our journals and then stick them in a box in our basement. (Hopefully a waterproof tub that can withstand a basement flood, unlike I did with my high school journals a few years ago that then had an unfortunate meeting with unforgiving groundwater, but that’s a story for another day.)

My point is, we love readers. We are thrilled when we hear that someone has read our story, and out of our minds excited when we hear that they even liked our story.

That’s where you, the reader, comes in. Do you know the best way to help an author? You might think it’s buying the book. That really does help, and we love you for it. But it’s not the best way. The very best way to help a reader is to leave a review. Especially if you liked the book. Book reviews help other people find our books. The more book reviews our books have, the more people see our book. If more people see our book, then more people will read our book. And we wrote the story so people would read and enjoy it.

So write a review! It doesn’t have to be a long book report. Just a couple sentences saying that you did like it, and maybe one thing about why you liked it go a long way in helping your favorite author.

And now a GIVEAWAY!

Since you’re helping me, let me help you! I’m giving away a copy of Soprano Trouble, the first book in The Choir Girl series!

Just leave a comment telling me a book you like. Any book in the whole world! I’ll pick a random name on Saturday, March 16 at 3pm Mountain Time, and then I’ll send the winner a paperback copy of Soprano Trouble. Don’t forget to check back to see if you won!

And tell your friends!

Victoria Kimble

Victoria is a wife, a mom to three girls, a full-fledged homebody, a so-so housekeeper, a mediocre musician and has dreamed of writing her whole life. She lives at the foot of the Rockies in Littleton, Colorado and she will never take that for granted. She has spent most of her life living in Colorado, with a brief six-year hiatus to live in Nebraska to attend college and get married. She is mostly a stay-at-home mom, but dabbles in a variety of other odd jobs, such as doing admin work and crocheting beard hats in the winter. She loves meat and potatoes, superhero TV shows and movies, and when the weather stays between 70 and 80 degrees. She could probably love the beach if she ever spent any time there.

Victoria spent her childhood reading and making friends with the characters in her favorite books. She never grew out of that. After many years of wondering, she decided it was time to write the stories she had always dreamed of writing. She hopes that her stories model an active Christian lifestyle, while feeding the insatiable sense of wonder and adventure that everyone has deep inside.