The weekend is upon us. It used to be, when I was a kid, weekends lent themselves to daydreams and imagination, traipsing with my sisters through the woods neighboring our house. The rose-colored thorn branches arching overhead turned into great palace halls; thick trees with wide-spread branches morphed into spaceships and forts; bog hummocks and decaying tree knots became the hidey-holes of fairies.
I do my pretend play during the weekdays now. Immerse myself in my WIPs (work-in-progress) and live vicariously through my characters while my kids are at school. But every once in a while, in the wee hours of a Saturday morning or the lazy hours of a Sunday afternoon, I drift off from reality and tap into my memories, to the days when every future possibility, every career opportunity, sparkled with promise at my feet.
Then I reach for my laptop and…
What Will I Do Today?
Today I’ll cross swords with an armored knight
Or face down a dragon in a deadly fight.
I’ll flit through the sky on papery wings
In a land of giants and magical kings.
Today I’ll pirate a ship on the seas
Hunting for treasure, attacked by the breeze.
I’ll brave the monster squished under my bed
And lure him out with some moldy bread.
I’m an agent.
A ninja.
A cat-loving ghoul.
The choices are endless,
For I set the rules.
Today I’ll snuggle with laptop or paper.
Immersed in a fantasy, drama, or caper.
Black letters adrift on an ocean of white,
I’ll open my mind…and then I will write.
Tell me. What will you do today?
(Poem originally published on
Very good post. I hope to work on my WIP this weekend. We’ll see.