The Storyteller Squad

Tips to Stop Racing the Clock

Do you ever feel like you’re racing the clock? I do. All the time. It’s exhausting and discouraging. Racing the clock makes me feel anxious because I feel like I’m always behind. The day just isn’t long enough for all the things I want to pack into it.

But God doesn’t want us to live that way. That’s why my writing tip for today is to STOPP, which stands for Slow Down, Talk to God, Opt Out, Prioritize, and Play.

Slow Down

When I start freaking about how much I have to do, I speed up when I actually ought to slow down, breathe, and give myself a pep talk. I start each day with prayer and Bible reading, but if I’m not careful, my task list can interrupt.

Slowing down includes taking care of yourself too. When our task list grows too long, we procrastinate and put off important self-care, which only adds to our stress.

  • Take breaks.
  • Read for pleasure.
  • Exercise. I enjoy taking a walk each day.
  • Eat nutritious meals throughout the day instead of snacking.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Schedule healthcare visits, like your annual checkup.
  • Sleep enough hours each night to feel rested.

Talk to Jesus

Besides slowing down, talking to Jesus throughout the day helps keep perspectives in the right place.

Have you ever heard that God’s voice stills, reassures, leads, enlightens, forgives, calms, encourages, and comforts, while Satan’s voice rushes, frightens, pushes, confuses, condemns, stresses, discourages, and worries? Panic from racing the clock causes nasty thoughts that amp up the pressure. Nasty thoughts frustrate, anger, and sadden us.

Expectations press in and pull us in many directions. Hurry up. You have so much to accomplish today.

Instead, lay plans before the Lord again and ask Him which task is most important. Once we commit to obey His leading, we must loosen our grip on the rest and trust Him that it will all get done at the proper time.

If we pause and ask Jesus about the direction we’re taking and listen, maybe we’ll change course or think of something that hadn’t occurred to us before.

If we thank Him as we work together, then our focus keeps us on a brighter path than if we start beating ourselves up. Talking to Jesus can also help us with the next step, opting out.

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all he has done.

Philippians 4:6

Opt Out

Many opportunities present themselves, and prayerfully considering each rather than just saying yes and adding to the list of things to do helps us slow down and assess our options. Will this take me to where I want to go in a direct way, take me off course, or make me busier and more stressed?

Saying no is often the best solution.

I need to better assess how long a task takes when determining a day’s schedule. If I feel edgy, then declining or moving a job to another day saves me further stress.

Determining the best time to tackle a job matters too. Blocking similar tasks together at certain times of the day can help us stay better focused.


Each day, prayerfully prioritize.

As we look at our priorities, we pick the one we think is most important. It may also be the most time consuming. If it’s important, we want it done right, so rushing is not an option.

Writing involves platform building, website upkeep, blogging, sending newsletters, growing a social media presence, writing, revising, editing (for our own projects and the projects of others), reading, reviewing, creating professional-worthy marketing art, and on and on and on it goes. It’s impossible to do it all every day or even every week. Do what you can. Somehow God will pull it all together at the right time.

Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

When I cling to my plan with tears and doubts because I cannot keep up, I think Jesus comes alongside me, calm and soothing, and whispers, “Did I ask you to do that today?”

It’s all in His hands, and His plans are greater than our own.


Finally, each day fills with plenty of work and distractions. At the end of the day, I recommend including some time to play. This might circle back up to the first step of slowing down which includes taking care of ourselves.

Starting and ending the day with peace offers refreshment.

When the clock starts racing, remember to STOPP.  Rest in Jesus. His strong hands hold you.

How do you stop your racing clock?

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Clock photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash.

Hour glass photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.

Michelle Kaderly Welsh

Michelle Welsh writes inspirational teen fiction with the underlying message that #yourlifematters. It has always been her dream to write so after she earned a degree in English-writing emphasis and print journalism, she wrote as a marketing specialist, newspaper journalist, and freelance writer. When she isn't writing, she's with her husband cheering their five kids on at their events or walking or reading. You can learn more about Michelle at


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