The Storyteller Squad

Great Reference Books for Writing

I hope everyone is having a great summer.

It’s been really hot so this is the perfect time to stay inside and brush up on your writing technique.

I’ve listed a few of my favorite reference books.

Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, Jessica Brody, Ten Speed Press

This is my go-to book when I’m plotting a new storyline. I never use long outlines. My mind won’t work that way. Save the Cat gives a simple formula for plotting. I end up with a board covered in sticky notes and use this to guide me in my writing.

Old fashioned for sure – but I tend to stick to the tried and true.

Save the Cat also breaks down the plots of best-selling novels which is interesting.

Goal, Motivation & Conflict by Debra Dixon, Gryphon Books for Writers

Many years ago I was in a writers’ group with Debra Dixon and she talked about GMC, Goal, Motivation and Conflict a lot.

This formula helps me a great deal. When drafting a scene I stop and ask myself what is the character’s goal at this time. What is her motivation for this scene. And of course throw in conflict. Simple formula but it is helpful to me.

The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes, Jack M. Bickham, Writer’s Digest Books

Once I’ve started writing my draft I turn to this book. I quickly find out that I am indeed making some of these common mistakes. This book helps me catch them early and correct them.

Emotional Beats, Nicholas C Rossis

I’m one of those writers who struggles with beats. Beats are bits of action inserted into dialogue to show the character’s emotions at that time and break up the endless dialogue stream.

I tend to turn to the same beats over and over and over.

Really, how many times can the character toss her hair? Mine can do it a lot.

That’s why this book is so helpful. It lists beats under different categories of emotions. This way a beat reveals something more than the fact that the MC’s hair is getting in her way.

This is a very short list of all the reference books I’ve turned to through the years.

What reference book(s) do you use over and over again?

Sharon Rene

Sharon Rene is a Christian multi-published writer who never went to the prom or became a cheerleader but learned to lean on Jesus in the lonely times. Her children’s book, A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace, was released May 18, 2018, by TouchPoint Press. The first book in her YA series, Hesitant Heroes, was realeased by Anaiah Press in September 2021. The sequel, Relentless Rebels, and the prequel, Defying Destiny have now been published. The Divine Destiny Chronicles is available on Amazon or Anaiah Press.
Sharon would love for you to connect with her on her website to learn more about her Divine Destiny Young Adult series and through her newsletter Your Dream – Your Destiny.

Purchase Link for A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace

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