The Storyteller Squad

Kanban Your Summer

If the video doesn’t work, or you’d rather read, here’s what I said:

Hey, Reading Families!

Do you want a fun way to keep track of your family’s reading list?

Try a Kanban board. Usually used for big corporations that are keeping track of huge projects that they’re doing, but a Kanban board is a great way to keep track of a lot of different things. For instance, your reading list.

Put all the books you’d like to read in a certain amount of time on a sticky note. Say your goal is to read all these books in three months, or through the summer, or whatever time period you decide. Then you’ll put the name of the book you’d like to read on a sticky note. When you start reading it you’ll put it in the middle section, and when you’re done you’ll put it in the bottom, or “done” section.

At the end of your time period, you’ll see how many books you read, and then you can have a bookish celebration!

Happy Reading!

Kristen Gwen

1 comment

  • Love this idea! Visuals can be such a good motivators to reach those reading goals!

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