The Storyteller Squad

Aim High

I have a thing with heights. Although I used to rock climb, I hated repelling. I can climb up any mountain, but looking down scares the living daylights out of me! A few years ago, we visited Colorado. The thrill of rising to an elevation of 14,265 feet to Mount Evans was the highlight of my trip. The stunning 360-degree view of the Rocky Mountains was breathtaking as we drove on the highest paved road in America! As the road twisted and turned around sharp edges, I failed to notice my calm husband’s white knuckles as he gripped the steering wheel along one particular curve. I was enjoying the beauty while he was desperately trying to keep us from falling off a cliff!

Many of us sit white knuckled in fright, unable to reach our full potential out of fear. With every decision, we have the choice to aim high—to make bold decisions and bold changes—or to turn around and abandon the uphill climb.

After receiving several rejection letters from agents and publishers, I made a completely out-of-character-for-me bold decision. I refused to give up and give in to fear. I want to be remembered as someone whose bold decisions affect lives for the better.

Do you know someone who soars above the clouds, aiming high even in the midst of danger? I do. On every twist and turn, these folks take the danger into account and aim even higher, making better decisions, bolder decisions.

Now and then, I step out on a ledge, literally and figuratively, to force myself to get out of my comfort zone. To not settle for less than I am capable. What decision has you gripping the steering wheel out of fear? Will you step out of your comfort zone with me and AIM HIGH?

Julane Fisher

Julane Fisher is a speaker, blogger, and author of the Sour Lemon Series, Southern fiction for middle school teens. Sour Lemon Strikes Out was awarded the 2020 Selah Award for Best Middle Grade Novel. Sour Lemon and Sweet Tea was awarded the Readers’ Favorite® Five-star Seal and was a 2019 Selah Award finalist. The Sour Lemon Series is a humorous portrayal of life before cell phones and social media, emphasizing positive family values. Her blog, 2Wrds, is a collection of encouraging and inspirational stories. Julane lives in north Georgia with her husband, twin boys, and their two mischievous Labrador retrievers. Learn more at