Young Adult books have changed. Many mimic edgy adult themes, especially within my favorite genre, mystery and suspense. When I come across a clean read that leaves me on the edge of my seat, I want to share it with others! A fascinating and modern retelling of the Biblical story of Joseph, Calculated by Noval McBee takes place in Shanghai and Seattle.
“I planned to start by telling you my name, but that won’t work. I’ve had too many… I’ll start by telling you what they call me. Double-Eight.”
Calculated by Nova McBee
Josephine Rivers is a math prodigy, sold into slavery by her family to exploit her gift. In prison, Jo meets Red, a fellow captive and unlikely sage. Red teachers Jo to harness her true potential so she can do more than just escape. With help from Chan, a bitter billionaire, and Kai, his off-limits son, Jo rises into a new role, ready to take down those who ruined her life. Until a mathematical error comes back to haunt her with a threat much more dangerous than the criminals on the loose. Jo must decide who she really is and if risking everything is worth it.
I loved the change in Jo as the novel progresses, especially when she realizes what man intended for evil, God meant for good. Weaved into this techie thriller is the horror of sex trafficking. The reader quickly realizes Jo has been trafficked for her mathematical ability to make Madame millions of dollars. But Jo isn’t content with just saving herself. She courageously reenters the world to save other girls. Rather than present the gory details of trafficking, the authors paints a picture of the emotional hurt left on each girl. I was very impressed with how the author tackled a tough issue while maintaining her goal of writing a clean book. Not an easy task, yet it’s beautifully done in this novel.

If your teen like suspense, I highly recommend this series. I’ve already bought book two, Simulated, and it’s just as enthralling!
This book sounds great! For as many YA books that I read, I’m finding fewer that I feel comfortable recommending. Thanks for the review!
Thanks for the exciting book rec! I’m about to grab one now.
Calculated was one of my favorite Clean Teen YA reads of 2022! I highly recommend it, as well! Can’t wait for the movies!!