The Storyteller Squad

Grow God’s Story with Your Story

“Will you speak about gardening at our MOMents meeting?”

My heart filled with joy. It was an honor to be asked, and I was happy to help this ministry where I once was active member. My kids were all school-aged, and I finally had reached “veteran mom” status. However, as I sat down to write my talk and prepare my visual slides—a sense of dread washed over me.

“These moms don’t need another thing added to their never-ending checklist,” my heart cried.

My logical brain chimed in, “You’re just telling them about how to grow a garden. No big deal.”

But my heart continued to protest. It remembered sitting through past talks by amazingly talented, God-fearing women and feeling inadequate as a mother. None of these women needed to grow a garden to be a great mom. I didn’t want to add to these moms’ burdens as young mothers.

However, I loved to talk about gardening. They wanted me to talk about gardening. I committed to doing this presentation. I tried to push my worries aside, but I couldn’t.

After much prayer, I started my presentation by having all the lovely young moms repeat after me — “I will not let Elise’s reality become my insanity.” After the giggles subsided, I reminded them that each of us is uniquely and wonderfully made. We each possessed diverse gifts, talents, and passions. My passion just happened to be maintaining a 30’ x 60’ vegetable garden, an orchard with twenty fruit trees, and blueberry, strawberry, gooseberry, asparagus, elderberry, rhubarb, and honeyberry patches on our fifteen-acre homestead. Oh, and did I mention that I have twenty-five laying hens?

“Grow God’s Story with YOUR Story” was the God-inspired title of my talk (and now this article). I challenged each mom to use their personal passions and even the daily, mundane tasks to tell God’s Story to their children. Because as mothers we are storytellers! Our children watch our every move and listen to our every word. Everything we do—whether painting a masterpiece or dusting photo frames on the wall—tells a story of what it means to follow Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I love the verses in Psalm 78: 4, 6-7 that remind us to tell God’s story —

Tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done…that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the words of God, but keep His commandments.”

I encouraged them to think about their passion as I presented. If they loved to garden, they would receive lots of helpful tips. If they didn’t, then I at least hoped they would walk away inspired by how I shared my love of Jesus with The Three Savages while they joined me outside to dig in the dirt.

Now, a few years later, my growing list of passions includes writing. Back when I gave my talk on gardening, my current work in progress wasn’t even on my radar. As I continue to study the craft of writing, read articles by experts, listen to podcast interviews with my favorite authors, and attend writing conferences it’s easy to become overwhelmed and feel inadequate. I now have to take my own advice and remind myself not to let their reality become my insanity. I’m new to the publishing industry—and I have a lot to learn. God has given me a unique story to write, and He has a path for me to take. Comparison steals our joy and takes our eyes off of God. I trust He will guide my steps.

And, just like with gardening, I love involving The Three Savages in my writing endeavors. Being a #writermom has been such a joy. My three boys are my beta readers and biggest fans. I often remind them that God is the author of all things. It’s mind-blowing that God equips us with the ability to communicate verbally with Him—and one another. Our written language separates us from every other creature He created. We possess God-breathed scriptures to read. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

I hope and pray that this article encourages you to share the Gospel of Jesus with your children in new and exciting ways as you share daily life with them. Find ways to involve your kids in your hobbies, talents, and even daily chores. Grow where God planted you. Use YOUR story to tell God’s story!

Elise Haroldson

Elise desires to write God-glorifying stories for teens. She has a degree in marketing, loves being a middle school ministry leader, serves as a library trustee, and is the mom of three boys, twenty-five hens, and one tailless cat. She is living her "happily ever after" with her husband on their 15-acre homestead in Central Illinois.


    • Writing this blog post was very therapeutic for me! Glad it resonated with you, as well.

    • Of course! It has been my mantra for a few years now. I assumed I had read it somewhere else…but my Google search came up empty. Maybe it is an original “Elise-ism.” I’ll claim it! 🙂

  • “Don’t let my reality become your insanity.” is genius! I need to apply this in every area of my life. It’s so easy to be intimidated by what others have accomplished.

    • I had a few more years under my belt than you before I finally reached this conclusion. You will be ahead in life if you embrace it at your young age and march with confidence on the path that God has planned for uniquely you!