Jesus tells us, “Ask, and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7:7) Of course, this comes with conditions, but the first one is easy. You have to ask in order to receive.
Last week my fifth graders were writing rough drafts for fantasy stories they’re working on. Motivated to dust off my personal computer and push aside the work one, I had every intention to use their writing time as my writing time to continue my own fantasy story that’s been sitting on the sidelines for months. Mostly because I’ve never written fantasy and it seems like an impossible feat. However, it was only after listening to one of our own storyteller squadders offer suggestions and help to my students that I realized I needed help. As I sat conferencing with each one individually, watching the excitement as the ideas poured out of them onto paper, I swallowed my pride and decided I’d reach out and ask for help. Of course she willingly agreed, and now I can’t wait to see how my WIP progresses over the next couple of weeks!
Why is it so hard sometimes for us to ask for help? Whether it’s writing, parenting, or carrying in the groceries, I find, at least in my own experience, I should be able to do it all. If I need help, it makes me look weak. But actually, it makes us stronger.
When God created Adam, He said it wasn’t good for him to be alone. So He created Eve. We are not made to do everything ourselves. We are each given different talents that should be used. So the next time you need help but that little devil sits on your shoulder, whispering that you’re a failure if you need help, flick him off and reach out! I can assure you, you won’t regret it!
Do you have trouble asking for help with something specific? I’d love to hear about it. Maybe I can help!