The Storyteller Squad

How to Skyrocket Over the Hardest Hurdle

I’m not the first to say this, and I won’t be the last: I don’t like writing; I like having written. It’s a strange way to live, as someone who wants to be a professional writer. But it describes my feelings about it perfectly.

I fully recognize that I am blessed to have a series and a novel published. It surely helps with the motivation to sit down and do the work I don’t really like to do, because I like the end result so much. I know for new writers, they might not have even this. And the real rub is you have to write in order to have written.

The hardest hurdle for me is the fact that there are no guarantees when it comes to my writing. Writing takes so much time, brain power, and soul, and there is a good chance that it is all for naught. I may never sign with an agent. Even if I sign with an agent, a publisher may never choose to publish the story that I have spent possibly hundreds of hours on. And yet, if I want even the possibility of the best case scenario, I have to write. I have to take the risk that all of my work is for nothing.


I often think of this little gem you can find floating around on Pinterest. It always kicks me in the gut. When I interact with my kids, I want the result to be positive. And if it’s not going to be positive, then I don’t feel like doing it. It’s the same as I think about our society. Sometimes I want to hide away, because people are not always going to react to what I say or do in the way that I want them to. They respond with their own thoughts, and sometimes those thoughts are ugly or mean. But I must carry on anyway.

And if I want to be a writer, then I must do it anyway. Even if no one wants to buy it. Even if no one wants to jump on my team. I’m not a writer if I don’t write, and I believe in my heart that God has called me to write.

The point is, I have to do it anyway. No matter what anyone else does. It’s the hardest hurdle for me. But I’m going to suck it up and jump over it anyway.

Victoria Kimble

Victoria is a wife, a mom to three girls, a full-fledged homebody, a so-so housekeeper, a mediocre musician and has dreamed of writing her whole life. She lives at the foot of the Rockies in Littleton, Colorado and she will never take that for granted. She has spent most of her life living in Colorado, with a brief six-year hiatus to live in Nebraska to attend college and get married. She is mostly a stay-at-home mom, but dabbles in a variety of other odd jobs, such as doing admin work and crocheting beard hats in the winter. She loves meat and potatoes, superhero TV shows and movies, and when the weather stays between 70 and 80 degrees. She could probably love the beach if she ever spent any time there.

Victoria spent her childhood reading and making friends with the characters in her favorite books. She never grew out of that. After many years of wondering, she decided it was time to write the stories she had always dreamed of writing. She hopes that her stories model an active Christian lifestyle, while feeding the insatiable sense of wonder and adventure that everyone has deep inside.