The Storyteller Squad

A Writing Outcast

“Once you start writing, keep it within the same genre until you’ve developed your platform.” I’ve heard this a lot. So much, in fact, that I questioned God when I started to work on a non-fiction piece for adults after only two Middle-Grade historical fiction books. Then I really questioned Him when I started plotting an MG fantasy trilogy. What would the professionals say? What agent would want to represent an author who flips between genres? What publishing company would want to publish an author who isn’t well-established yet in one genre? What would people know me for? I felt like an outcast in the writing world.  

As we all know, God has His own plans for our lives, and very often they’re not exactly ours, or don’t fit with what’s popular. Isaiah 55:8 tells us God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are often different from our ways. It doesn’t mean that what’s popular is wrong, rather we need to always remember that even when something is popular or the “right” way, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best way for everyone.

One day I was praying in the car, talking to God (again) about the journey I found myself on with my writing. “Are you sure, God? I haven’t fully developed my platform yet. (What does that even mean? How would I know when it’s even developed?) Maybe I’m not hearing You correctly. Maybe I need to listen harder.” Very clearly, I remember God’s response as He spoke to my spirit, saying, “You will write what I tell you to write.” Ouch!

I got the message loud and clear that day, although I admit I still question what it will look like in the world of authors and publishers. But that is something I need to get past. God loves me, just like He loves you. He has greater plans for each one of us, and even when it might seem like it’s way out in left field, we need to trust that His plans are higher than ours. Because, of course, aren’t they?

The picture above has a sign sitting on the ground next to one of the men. It reads, “Poet for hire. Pay whatever you want.” I love that he’s still writing, but doing it how he wants to.

If you find yourself as a “writing outcast” in left field, don’t be discouraged. Pray about it, and trust that God has you exactly where He wants you. Then keep moving forward!

Tracy Popolizio

Tracy Popolizio has the opportunity to teach reading and writing to fifth graders every day. She writes inspirational middle grade fiction, with a passion to enrapture preteens in a discovery of God’s truths between the covers of a book. She shares her passion for writing and the writing process with students of various grade levels. Tracy also speaks about her personal experiences with God and how our thought processes can lead to a victorious life. In her free time, Tracy enjoys reading, playing the piano, dancing, and taking walks with her husband, as well as spending time with her two almost-grown children and four cats. Tracy lived in Connecticut her whole life until recently when the Lord called her family to South Carolina. You can learn more about Tracy at

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