Creativity is a specific intentional gift from God, who gave it to us so we’ll pursue a relationship with Him. Because we’re sons and daughters of the Creator, we have creativity within us. The closer our connection to Him, the more creative we’ll be. It’s that simple.
The enemy’s goal is to break our connection with God—to make us believe we can rely on our own power. Don’t look to the world for validation of your work. The only One we need to please is God Himself.
Our definition of success should be all about our writing journey—the immense joy that comes from co-creating with God. Our identity should not be based on how many people read our work, but the relationship we build with our Creator as we write. Word count doesn’t matter. It’s better to have one short paragraph flow through Him than to write 1,000 words under our own power.
So, how do we draw closer to God during the writing process?
When we sit down to write, we should first consecrate, or make sacred, our time with Him. I’m a firm believer in relational prayer. I like to ask questions, then sit with my head bowed, waiting on Him to answer. One of my typical pre-writing prayers goes like this:
“Father God, thank you for giving me the gift of writing. In turn, I give you my time and this writing space. Please purify both. I ask You to guard my mind and keep away all distractions. Help me focus on what You want me to write. Before I begin, is there anything in me You want to address?”
Then, I’ll sit and listen. If I receive an answer, I’ll respond. Sometimes I have to ask His forgiveness. Other times, He’s nudged me to do something else, like jot a note to someone who’s hurting. After I’ve obeyed Him, I’ll pray again. If there’s nothing He wants me to address, then I’ll usually finish with something like,
“I truly want to be your vessel, Lord. Please open my mind to your message. Let your words flow through my fingers. In the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.”
I love the promise He gave us in scripture:
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
— Jeremiah 33:3
Call to Him, writing friends, and He will answer. He’ll provide you with characters and plots and settings that you never could have dreamed up on your own. As you type, you’ll feel His presence. If you don’t, back up and ask Him why. More than likely, you’ve struck out on your own without following His guidance.
And when you finish, release your work to Him as an offering. Thank Him for the time He spent with you. Remember, there’s an eternal story being played out that didn’t begin—or will end—with us. Let’s be grateful for the small part He’s allowed us to play in it.
For those of you who already ask His blessing over your writing time and space, is there a special way you do it that draws you closer to Him?
Great post. I can feel the presence of God in such a special way when I am writing. I always pray before I write and He gives me words and ideas. It is a worship experience that the enemy wants to destroy. I’ve had a lot of obstacles getting in the way of my writing lately but I know the enemy will not win. Thanks for this uplifting post.
Yes, we know the end to the eternal story, right? The enemy does not win. Stay strong and courageous.
Well said. The more distracted I am the less creative I am. It is always good to pause and ask God to reveal what He would have me do with my time and talents. He is a God of order not chaos and He will direct our plans . When I put Him first, He reveals all that I desire and usually much more!
Thanks for sharing, Tammy. It’s so tough to pause, but so worth it.