Have you seen the movie Overcomer? I’ve read the book and seen the movie. Both left me feeling satisfied and hopeful.
Tyndale House Publishers published the novel by Chris Fabry in 2019. It’s based on the screenplay by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick.
In the book, the story is told through three points of view: Barbara Scott, the grandmother; 15-year-old Hannah, an orphan raised by Barbara; and John Harrison, Hannah’s cross-country coach, who isn’t too keen about coaching cross country, especially after losing his basketball coaching goals and dreams for the year.
What drew me to the story?
My daughter runs cross country so that drew me to the story. Experiencing the downturn of the economy because of a major business moving out of the community interested me too, since my family has gone through the trials of such an experience. But the wrestling with figuring out who you are and coming to terms with how God uses disappointments in our life gripped me. Who hasn’t wondered why did this happen, where are you God, what is my purpose?
This story about a cross-country runner illustrates parallels to the sport and life. Preparation, determination and perseverance are necessary. When you hurt so much that you just want to quit, you need to believe you can finish. When confusion threatens to overwhelm you and take you out of the race, you need friends to stand with you, listen to you, and hear you. Everybody needs a cheering section.
Why I recommend this book
I recommend the book and the movie. It’s one of those stories you may want to read or watch multiple times. Several messages may encourage you as you work through issues in your own life. If you run cross country, there are some great tips in this book for improving your training. If your focus needs readjusting like John’s or you just need to be reminded that you matter and that God loves you like Hannah or you need help forgiving someone like Barbara, this book will reassure you that you’re not alone and show you some steps you can take to move forward to a better place.
Most of all, I hope the story helps you figure out who you are because once you determine the answer to this question, the bullies in life, the thoughts that tear you down, and your mistakes that haunt you will be put into their rightful place—off your plate—so you can concentrate on what is important and enjoy life to the fullest. Living life to the fullest with peace is one of the reasons Jesus went to the cross for us after all.
A story that lifts us up and points us to Jesus just energizes your spirit and engages your heart. You might need a tissue in parts. And if you aren’t wiggling in your seat cheering Hannah on, then you might envision being out there running alongside her shouting, “Come on, you can do this!” Man, I feel like I need to be out on the cross-country course cheering on my daughter and her team right this minute.
Check it out! Let me know your favorite part.
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I truly enjoy movies by the Kendrick brothers. I have not read the Overcomer book yet. Hope to read it soon.
My family and I enjoy their movies too. Enjoy the book!
The Kendrick brothers are awesome! I hadn’t heard about this book or movie. Many thanks for sharing.
I’m glad to help others know about it so they can have an opportunity to read it too. My daughters and I all enjoyed the book. My family watch the Kendrick movies too. They always tell a moving story that sticks with you.
Great post. Sounds like a wonderful book.
Thanks, Sharon.
This is a title/movie that slipped past my radar. It sounds great! Can you recommend other movies have the Kendrick brothers put out? I’m on the lookout for books and movies.
The other Kendrick brother movies I have seen are War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, and Facing the Giants. We liked all of these and have watched some more than once to share with friends. There are a few others I haven’t watched yet. They are on my list to watch. I bought the book before I saw the movie of Overcomer, although I had heard of the movie already. Both are excellent. Have fun, Gretchen!