The Storyteller Squad

Fun Reads Friday: Henry Doggit, Doggy Detective

There is something special about a story that can make a family laugh together. I’m pretty sure those types of memories are what magical childhoods are made of. So today I want to introduce you to the funniest doggy detective you’ll ever meet.

Henry Doggit is a basset hound who has a keen sense of observation. Clearly a gift like that should be used to sniff out and solve mysteries. In The Case of the Phantom Stench, Henry’s human Libby comes home smelling of something sinister, and Henry can’t rest until he knows what it is. Well, he can rest, because all dogs need their naps at day and sleep at night. But he’s determined to solve the case as soon as is dogily possible.

In The Case of the Noms Raider, our good boy Henry has been framed for stealing food. Framed by a cat. No self-respecting basset hound would let a case like that slip him by.

These two books are indie gems, and they’re priced just right for your next family quarantine read. The whole family will love Henry Doggit and his perspective of the world.

Does your family like animal stories? Which ones? Hit the comments and let us know!

Victoria Kimble

Victoria is a wife, a mom to three girls, a full-fledged homebody, a so-so housekeeper, a mediocre musician and has dreamed of writing her whole life. She lives at the foot of the Rockies in Littleton, Colorado and she will never take that for granted. She has spent most of her life living in Colorado, with a brief six-year hiatus to live in Nebraska to attend college and get married. She is mostly a stay-at-home mom, but dabbles in a variety of other odd jobs, such as doing admin work and crocheting beard hats in the winter. She loves meat and potatoes, superhero TV shows and movies, and when the weather stays between 70 and 80 degrees. She could probably love the beach if she ever spent any time there.

Victoria spent her childhood reading and making friends with the characters in her favorite books. She never grew out of that. After many years of wondering, she decided it was time to write the stories she had always dreamed of writing. She hopes that her stories model an active Christian lifestyle, while feeding the insatiable sense of wonder and adventure that everyone has deep inside.