The Storyteller Squad

Book Review: Fawkes

For: 12+ audience

Cautions: There are some darker parts of history described in this book, nothing too gory.

Want a book with a Christian message, a mix of history retold with magical giftings and a fulfilling ending? Well, this book has all of that and more. I can’t rave about this book enough.

This story takes place in 17th century London. The main character, Thomas Fawkes, desperately wants to get rid of his affliction, the stone plague. He believes that if he has color magic, like all his classmates, he will be able to get rid of his plague. But his father, Guy Fawkes, refused to give him the mask he needs to wield color magic. Thomas takes action by hunting down his father in London. When he finds his father, he gets roped into a scheme to assassinate the king of England.

One thing to take note of: Guy Fawkes was a real person and did participate in a plot to assassinate the king of England. So while you are reading, the magic is not real, but the setting, a plague and the assassination attempt was real. This book does create a curiosity about history.

Besides sparking curiosity, this story captured my heart. I felt for Thomas’s plight and loved the relationships Thomas forms through-out the story. First, there is the relationship with Guy Fawkes, then there is Emma and then there’s Thomas’s relationship to White Light. Each relationship is important and ties together perfectly at the end. It’s the type of ending that gave me that all-is-right-in-the-world feeling. So good!

Let’s get to the most important part. God. This book points us to seeking out God. I don’t want to spoil the story, but God has a central role to Thomas’s healing, both inner healing and physical healing. I might have given too much away here, but you need to know that this story challenges our dependence on our Creator.

Overall, I think this is a great read for people who love fantasy and love a good story.

What fiction story has challenged you in your faith?

Candice Yamnitz

Candice Yamnitz is an elementary bilingual teacher by trade, but left the profession to stay home with her children. When she’s not doing errands or chores around the house, she’s reading and writing. She enjoys reading all genres for every age group. But, her mind is always off in distant kingdoms. Candice lives in the Chicago area with her husband and children.