The Storyteller Squad

5 tips to meet your 2020 writing goals

Common sense advice for new writers

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Writing can be a challenging field to enter. Trust me, I’ve been in it for more than thirty years. You’ll find my bylines in newspapers, magazines, newsletters and devotional compilations.

Whether you aspire to be a poet, a short story author or a reporter, your success depends on one simple factor—completing your project. Following are five tips to help you achieve that mission.

Set specific writing goals and stick with them

I recommend that your first objective be to write every single day. It could be as simple as a journal entry. Similar to musicians, writers who practice their craft with regularity become accomplished. Many writers set a certain number of words to write each day. Long-form writers may set an objective of writing a chapter a day. Others set specific time frames for themselves, for instance, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.


After you set your goals at the beginning of the year, ask God to bless them. Remember that your success depends on His grace. Each day, before you poise your fingertips above the keyboard, bow your head and ask Him for guidance. You’ll soon feel the warmth of His presence.

Stay healthy

If you don’t take care of yourself, your mind won’t perform at its best. Eat the whole foods God gifted us. Exercise each day. Stick to a schedule. Take a break and walk around every couple hours to clear your head. Get a full night’s rest. Think positive thoughts. If any of these recommendations seem insurmountable, enlist a friend or family member to serve as an accountability partner.

Educate yourself

Even though I’ve been writing for a living for decades, I don’t know everything there is to know about this art form. I suggest you read other writers’ blogs and listen to their podcasts, attend writer’s conferences, subscribe to writing magazines, read how-to books on writing, and learn a new word each day.

Join a tribe

God doesn’t want us to be loners. He wants us in fellowship with those who are like-minded to receive encouragement and accountability. Make friends with those interested in writing. Exchange your work and share critiques. I found the awesome writers and editors in the Storyteller Squad through the American Christian Fiction Writers. If you don’t know where to start, contact your local library.

If you have any writing success tips, please share them in the Comments section below. I’d love to hear about your achievements as you journey through 2020. Please keep me updated at Best wishes!

Jill K Willis

Jill K Willis is the author of "The Demons Among Us," a young adult speculative novel about a brother and sister who team with friends to battle a legion of demons invading their high school. Published by Redemption Press, this novel won the American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Award. Jill lives on a lake north of Atlanta with her husband and a one-eyed orange kitty. Subscribe to her newsletter at