Happy Labor Day! I hope you are all enjoying a well-deserved break from work and school.
We have a great September planned at The Storyteller Squad.
You can expect motivation from Julane, Jill, Tori
From Mark Twain to mountain climbing, we will all be encouraged.
Gretchen will give us tips on Dauntless Dialogue on Wednesday and Tracy will show us how the skeletal system and muscular system relates to writing. Candice and Michelle will also share writing tips.
I can’t wait to read these posts.
Burt is rereading The Reverend Spy. A story about a reverend who worked as a spy during WWII.
Kristen is reading Bob by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Maas.
Laurie will also share with us on Friday Book Talk and I have something different planned.
Stop by the Storyteller Squad often to see what other surprises await!
The Storyteller Squad is excited to announce that Kristen Johnson has joined us. Kristen has been one of our critique partners for a while now, but she finally decided to plunge into the blog.
Kristen G. Johnson bounces between writing historical fiction and
Welcome Kristen! I’m sure she will have a ton to share with us.
At the end of the month I will give away one of these books from my library (winner’s choice.)
- The Lost Heiress, Roseanna M. White
- Gregor the Overlander, Suzanne Collins
- The Cost of Betrayal, Henderson, Pettrey, Eason

As a bonus, I’m going to throw in a copy of my book, A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace too.
It is super easy to enter the contest. Just comment on any of our posts in September. The more you comment the bigger your chance of winning. The winner will be announced at the end of the month.
So, check back soon.
Welcome Kristen! This month will be a lot of fun.
Thanks for being so supportive of our blog, Jillian!