Who loves a good speculative book? This year has been filled with fun releases that leave you begging for more. All of these releases are clean and worth the read. I’ve traveled through a few of these and the rest wait on my To-Be-Read list.
Here are my top 10 books released this year.
Two series have topped my most anticipated releases list. If you haven’t read Jeff Wheeler, he transports you into new worlds and makes you fall in love with his characters. This year, the last part of the Harbinger series came out. And the ending left me satisfied, but wishing there was more.
After reading MARK OF THE RAVEN, I needed to find out what happened next. My quick description: the power to walk through other people’s dreams + wicked family secret + handsome guy from the opposing team = an adventure worth diving into.
Enough of me chitchatting about what I loved and let’s get to that list:
Released March 5th and ready to read.

Friendship is strained to its breaking point.
Released June 11th and ready to read. It’s the last book in the Harbinger Series.

Two women are swept into a battle that could destroy two worlds.
Released April 30th and ready to read. It is the second of a trilogy. Book 3 comes out February 2020.

Will her new life in a new land set her on a path from which she can’t escape?
Released May 7th.

My name is Anastasia . . . The history books say I died . . . They don’t know the half of it.
Released August 19th.

The Stolen Kingdom is a loose “Aladdin” retelling.
Releases August 31st!

In Healer, 17-year-old Shilo Giannelli discovers she possesses the spiritual gift of healing. Shards of Light begins with Shilo spending the summer in Sicily with her great-grandmother, who once possessed the same gift.
Releases September 10th.

Fans of Rebel of the Sands and Meagan Spooner will devour this retelling of Frank Stockton’s famous short story, “The Lady, or the Tiger?”
Releases November 12th.

Taking a new twist on Hans Christian Andersen’s beloved—yet tragic—fairy tale, Coral explores mental health from multiple perspectives, questioning what it means to be human in a world where humanity often seems lost.
Releases December 3rd.

There’s a price on her head, and it has everything to do with the brand on her arm.
Releases December 3rd.

Personally, the Romanov book catches my attention the most. It sounds like the character is “dead on the inside” but has some kind of magical power…?
I’ve been itching to read that one! But I hit my budget on books and writing this month, so next month.
The one that attracts me the most is Jinni Key, the story sound interesting, but the cover is awesome.
I love the cover too! I can’t wait until it comes out this December.
Oooh, that cover for Romanov is gorgeous!!
I’m probably looking forward to Shards of Light the most. I attended a class put on by the author, and am reading Healer right now. But several of these look good as well!
The stolen kingdom. The cover caught my interest right away.
Yes! I’m reading that one right now because of the cover and I love retellings.