The Storyteller Squad

Inspirationally Challenged?

I knew my #motivationalmonday was approaching…but I wasn’t “feeling” it. Didn’t have any amazing advice to pass along to our readers when it’s all I can do most days to keep my mind above the waters of doubt and negativity that want to pull me under. So I prayed–and God gave me the idea to share some of my favorite quotes I’ve found on Pinterest over the years. You can find them on my Inspiration Board or my Writing Board.

So whether you’re having a Monday-of-all-Mondays or you woke up on the right side of the bed, I pray these put a fresh wind in your sails as you glide through the day… 😉

And I’ll leave you with my personal favorite, which I plan to hang on the wall by my bedroom door so I will see it each morning:

Laurie Germaine

With a heart that beat for Europe and a nose that thumbed the American West, Laurie Germaine is a walking testimony to God's humor as she now resides in Montana with her husband, two daughters, and their Alaskan Malamute. When she's not working on a new manuscript (or rather, when said manuscript is misbehaving), you can find her knitting anything from toys to felted phone cases, crafting backdrops for her 16" Ellowyne Wilde dolls (look 'em up; you'll be fascinated, too!), embarking on DIY adventures, and generally avoiding housework.