The Storyteller Squad

More quizzes for the author

Three weeks ago, I answered three common questions I’m asked as an author. (You can read them at this link: ) I’m back today to answer more about queries about my books, writing styles and motivation.

How did you choose the titles for your novels?

I want titles that grab attention, and I adore alliteration—words that start with the same sound.

I titled my first book Bash and the Pirate Pig of the Pond. The publisher lopped off the last three words, which makes a snappier title. But hey, a pirate pig—you have to check that out.

Book 2, Bash and the Chicken Coop Caper, and upcoming Book 4, Bash and the Daring Duck Disaster, play with sounds while hinting of crazy adventures within.

The title that grabs the most attention is on my third book—Bash and the Chocolate Milk Cows. It turns out that I am not the only person who drops everything for chocolate! Chocolate grabs attention.

Who does your illustrations?

I asked my publisher at B&H Kids to let me do my own illustrations. He said my drawings were nice, but he knew a guy named Tom Bancroft. Tom was lead animator for Mushu the Dragon in the Disney movie Mulan and Young Simba in The Lion King, among his many other credits.

I looked at Tom’s ideas for Bash and the Pirate Pig. What a no-brainer:

“Yeah, let’s go with Tom,” I said.

For the third book, another former Disney artist, Buddy Lewis, took over using Tom’s character sheets for reference. I still knew better than to interfere.

It’s amazing what happens when you stop pushing for your own way and tell God, “This is your project. You help me to do well the parts that are my part of this mission. And get me out of the way of the people You want to be involved in the rest of Your work.”

Then it becomes something special. Just look at those fantastic cover in the photo above. It’s awesome.

What was your favorite scene to write?

Every scene is my favorite while I’m writing it. I never know what’s going to happen. I think I do, then the characters start saying something different than I meant for them to say and pulling stunts that I didn’t expect them to do. I get surprised a lot.

The scene that’s popping into my head at this moment as my favorite (tomorrow, it’ll be a different one, I suspect) is the county fair episode in Bash and the Pirate Pig because so much of it really happened.

We did sleep in the cow barns at night when I was in 4-H. We did tell stupid jokes while cattle mooed all night long. One of my heifers did take off on a gallop, dragging me toward the midway. And my cousin Rick did lead someone through Romans Road to Salvation and prayer while we sat in a sheep pen.

My editor said, “Delete this. There’s no way that would happen.” I replied, “Actually, that’s pretty much exactly how it unfolded, word for word.”

I love nonsense because in the end, it’s so true.

That’s it for this week. Do you have a question? Leave it for me in the comments and let’s talk about them in an upcoming post.

Burton W. Cole

Burton W. Cole is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist and award-winning humor columnist who grew up on a small farm in northeast Ohio with a slew of imaginative cousins and rambunctious cows. That boyhood inspires his colorful and comical novels, which include "Bash and the Pirate Pig," "Bash and the Chicken Coop Caper" and "Bash and the Chocolate Milk Cows." "Chicken Coop Caper" won the 2015 Selah Award for Best Middle Grade Novel. Burt is a grandpa who lives in northeast Ohio with his sweetheart and wife, Terry.


  • I love it! I work with an editor and she’ll tell me the same thing – to take something out because it couldn’t happen. And my response is the same as yours – that is exactly what happened. Love how you got out of the way to let God do his work in your art. Great example to me.

    • Thanks, Molly. The old axiom of truth being stranger than fiction is true. Fiction needs to follow the laws of probability. Fact has no such boundaries.

      And yes, when I have my table set up at books shows, it’s the fantastic cover art that draws people over. My words have to keep them, but without Tom and Buddy, readers may never have picked up the book. God absolutely knows what He’s doing.

  • Our family absolutely love the Bash series. We laughed and celebrated through each of them. Thanks for writing them and hope there are more to come.