The Storyteller Squad

Writing is an act of…

Writing is many things. For me, it started as a way to express myself. It transformed into a hobby. Now it’s something other. E.B. White said, “Writing is an act of _____ and not a trick of grammar.” The longer this whole writing adventure goes, the more I understand it.

Why? It’s because words express our heart. And our hearts and souls are the essence of who we are. Words have the power to uplift and tear apart.

As a writer, we work with words, picking them apart and weaving them together. We weave together the worse of humanity and the best. Not only that, people come alongside and critique those words.

No wonder we get down about our writing. To add to that, we write blind. We have no idea if our writing will find a home where people will resonate with our hearts.

So, E.B. White was spot on.

We write and write and weave our tales with no idea about its future.

That my friend is faith. I write in faith that someone else will be as thrilled about my writing as me.

Writing friends, there’s good news for you today. In the Bible, it says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

The things you write, your heart, will reach someone else who resonates with it. Is your writing perfect? Possibly no. But you don’t write in vain.

Words have a way of drilling into the soul and lasting way longer than a lifetime.

Keep writing! Know that your words matter.

Candice Yamnitz

Candice Yamnitz is an elementary bilingual teacher by trade, but left the profession to stay home with her children. When she’s not doing errands or chores around the house, she’s reading and writing. She enjoys reading all genres for every age group. But, her mind is always off in distant kingdoms. Candice lives in the Chicago area with her husband and children.