The Storyteller Squad

StageFright (Conquering Our Fear)

StageFright was published in the Kids Ark Magazine in September 2015. This was my first story accepted for publication so it’s special to me. My writing has improved over the last few years but I hope you enjoy Tommy’s battle with stage fright.

Tommy squirmed in his seat waiting for the clock to tick away the last ten minutes of fourth grade English class.

“I have an exciting announcement,” Ms. White said. “Tommy Stevens won the school essay writing contest.” Everyone clapped, and a couple of boys stomped their feet.

Tommy was shocked. He’d only entered that contest to make his mother happy. She said he had a God given talent. He never thought he’d win.

“Friday, Tommy will read his essay at our school assembly.”

Tommy pressed both his hands against his rolling stomach. Ms. White expected him to stand in front of a hundred elementary students and read his essay. He’d probably pass out, or worse.  His palms felt sweaty and his head ached as the other kids rushed from the room.

“Is something wrong, Tommy?” Ms. White peered over the tops of her wire-rimmed glasses. The kids all thought she looked a little frightening when she did this.

“Do I have to read my essay?”

“You don’t have to read your essay, but this is a big honor. Your parents will be very proud.”

He nodded. His mother would go ballistic when he told her the news and he could hear his dad say “like father, like son.” He had to do this. Head down, he turned and walked out of the classroom.

“Are you afraid to read your essay Friday?”

Tommy turned to see Kim-Ye closing her locker door.

“I’d be afraid,” she said, moving toward him.

“I’m not afraid of anything,” Tommy heard himself brag. “Except reading my essay in front of a hundred people.”

He’d never admit his fears to any of his buddies but Kim-Ye was in his Sunday school class at church so he considered her a special friend.

“Well, Ms. Emily says we don’t have to be afraid or feel alone because Jesus is with us.” She tossed her long black ponytail over her shoulder.

Kim-Ye had been born in China and adopted by a wonderful American family. Her beautiful silky hair and dark eyes fascinated him.

“Sunday Ms. Emily read that verse that says we can do all things with Christ’s help, remember? You’ll be able to read your essay with Jesus’ help. It will be like He’s standing on that stage with you.” 

“I sure hope you and Ms. Emily are right,” Tommy said. When he pictured himself onstage with a hundred pairs of eyes staring at him his knees wobbled and stomach ached. He didn’t feel strong at all.

Tommy couldn’t sleep Thursday night.  His beagle Charlie sighed and grunted at the foot of the bed, aggravated with Tommy’s tossing. As the clock reached midnight Tommy prayed.

Good ole Charlie

“Dear God, I hope you remember that last year I asked you to forgive me for my sins. I know you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross, so we humans can be forgiven.  The Bible tells us not to be afraid, so give me the courage to read my essay tomorrow. I know I won’t see Him, but please send Jesus to stand beside me. Amen”

At noon Friday, Tommy stood on stage in the huge auditorium. His hands trembled, and a lump formed in his throat. His mom and dad sat on the front row. Kim-Ye sat beside his mom. She winked and gave him the thumbs up.

OK, Jesus, let’s do this. He glanced at the crowd and his heart didn’t race as he’d expected it to. It’s working, Jesus. You are giving me strength.

The people clapped when he finished reading and his mom and dad jumped to their feet. Ms. White smiled at him. Tommy was glad he hadn’t let fear stop him from reading his essay.

The applause sounded good, but he knew Jesus deserved the applause as much as he did. He never could have done this alone, but with God’s help he’d overcome his fear.

Have you ever struggled with stage fright or other fears?

I think we all have.

Comment below and let me know how you overcame your fears.

If you know any children struggling with fear please share this story with them.

Sharon Rene

Sharon Rene is a Christian multi-published writer who never went to the prom or became a cheerleader but learned to lean on Jesus in the lonely times. Her children’s book, A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace, was released May 18, 2018, by TouchPoint Press. The first book in her YA series, Hesitant Heroes, was realeased by Anaiah Press in September 2021. The sequel, Relentless Rebels, and the prequel, Defying Destiny have now been published. The Divine Destiny Chronicles is available on Amazon or Anaiah Press.
Sharon would love for you to connect with her on her website to learn more about her Divine Destiny Young Adult series and through her newsletter Your Dream – Your Destiny.

Purchase Link for A Mixed Bag of God’s Grace


  • This is a very sweet story packed with the powerful gospel message. I enjoyed the structure and ‘good ole Charlie’ pic. I’m a beagle fan also…so cute. xo

  • As I have grown in my faith over the years, prayer has definitely helped me with my fears. The fears may have changed due to circumstances, but prayer is always a comfort. 🙂