The Storyteller Squad

Gifts for Goals

God has blessed all of us with at least one gift. A brilliant gift—one that matters, that impacts others, that glorifies Him.

Have you discovered what God has gifted you? Has He blessed you with an obvious gift, like being able to swish three-pointers every time you stand at center court? Or, have you received something harder to define, but no less precious, like being able to make friends easily?

If you’re unsure of what God has gifted you, ask your most trusted friends and family members. Remember that God speaks through those who love Him. You’ll be amazed at what others believe are gifts that you might be taking for granted.

Once you determine your gift(s), think about how God would like you to use them. It’s time to set your goals for the new year. Keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to glorify God by loving others.

Let’s say you’re a basketball star. How can you use that gift to love others? A generous goal would be to spend a few hours each week teaching the basics to beginners. You could glorify God by giving him the credit for your skill through conversation and prayer.

How about if you’re not at all athletic, but super friendly? How can you use your gift of friendliness? You could set yourself a goal of offering a compliment to someone different each day. Or, seeking out someone who looks lonely and befriend him or her. You can glorify God with smiles and kind words.

I asked around about my gifts. The answers were pretty predictable—writing and editing. So, in addition to writing fiction, I’m going to make myself available to help others with their writing and editing needs (within reason, of course), like polishing up their resumes and cover letters, proofreading student essays, and lending a hand with our church communications.

Have you already set goals for this year? If so, how are you using them to love others and glorify God?

Jill K Willis

Jill K Willis is the author of "The Demons Among Us," a young adult speculative novel about a brother and sister who team with friends to battle a legion of demons invading their high school. Published by Redemption Press, this novel won the American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Award. Jill lives on a lake north of Atlanta with her husband and a one-eyed orange kitty. Subscribe to her newsletter at