Who doesn’t love a good story? And if those stories feature animals, then all the better. I write tales of superhero critters doing amazing feats of awesomeness. My current series is The Starcluck Adventures which feature chicken’s in space.
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I have always loved animals. Growing up on a small hobby farm I frolicked with sheep, chased chickens, cuddled rabbits, and once, all by myself, helped a goat deliver her kids when my parents were away from home. All these experiences mixed together into a childhood that was both a blast and a blessing.
Today I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, not far from that hobby farm, but now with a much smaller yard. However, it does have five fir trees where squirrels chase each other, raccoons saunter past, and chickadees search for worms to take back to their nests. I also live with two crazy girls we adopted from foster care and one husband who is often amazed that God would bless him with three incredible females (at least, that’s what I assume he’s thinking when he shakes his head and walks away).
Thanks for stopping by The Storyteller Squad and we look forward to sharing our stories and hearing yours. God bless!