Hey! It’s tough being a Christian teen in today’s TMI world, isn’t it? Everyone’s battling for your attention—friends, family, social media, teachers… even your pet. Where do you go to escape all the pressure?
Your reading nook, right?
I did the same thing in high school when I felt overwhelmed. Every afternoon, I’d bury my head in a book until Mom called me for dinner. Raising my eyes, I’d always be surprised to find myself on my bed instead of in a castle tower, a haunted mansion or a forest glen—the craziness of school long forgotten.
That’s when I knew I would one day be a fiction writer. I took a circuitous route, meandering through newspaper reporting, corporate communications and media relations. Things that pay the bills. I still proofread part-time for a local marketing firm.
Now, fiction writing and marketing dominates my day. Redemption Press launched my YA speculative novel, The Demons Among Us, October 1, 2021. I’ve been told that it’s pretty intense. Some of the action takes place in a cove similar to the one in the above photo.
And what a coincidence! I live on a lake in Georgia with my husband and our orange one-eyed cat. When I’m not reading and writing, I’m in or on the water. Our two adult children help proof my manuscripts for teenspeak and momspeak.
You can view candid shots of me on Instagram. Please friend me on my writer Facebook page. For snippets of my life, follow me on Twitter and Pinterest. Also, drop by my website to read my blog and book reviews.
“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.” – 1 Peter 5:8-9