I’m one of the newest members of the Storyteller Squad, and I’m so excited to be here! I’m currently working on the final edits of my Christian Urban Legend Young Adult novel—and I look forward to diving into the querying process.
I love serving in middle school ministry at my church—and I desire to write God-glorifying stories for teens. I have a degree in Marketing, enjoy serving as a Library Trustee, and my work history includes Publisher Relations at Rainbow Resource Center—a homeschool supply retailer. I love meeting with bookish friends and chatting about what we’re reading and writing.
Growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin granted me a rich childhood and a vivid imagination. Books were my friends, I was always writing a story in my head, and I’ve never met a cow I didn’t like. (Well…except that one that tried to kill me…ah…another story for another day!) Life whisked me away to Illinois, and I’m living my happily ever after with my husband, Steve, on our 15-acre homestead. I adore being the mom of three boys, twenty-five hens, and one tailless cat.
A website is in the works, but, in the meantime, follow me and my “three savage readers” on IG @eliseharoldsonwrites. Our Savage Reader mottos is “If you are what you eat, then be careful what books you devour.”