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The Merchant’s Curse: Interview with author Antony Barone Kolenc
It excites me when I come across new and different clean books for middle schoolers that I feel comfortable recommending to parents, so I’m excited to introduce you to today’s guest! I had the good fortune of catching...
The Power of Art in Culture
Have you considered the relationship between art and culture? In the early 20th century, movements such as Dadaism were thought to reflect the culture’s dismay. In actuality, many modernist movements actually pushed the...
Fun with Voices: Make Reading More Engaging!
Do you know what makes reading to kids so fun? The voices 😊! Have you ever done character voices while reading a story to your kids? If you haven’t, or if you need to brush up your skills, here’s some tips to get you...
Chickens in Outer Space
The blog title may sound like chickbait…I mean clickbait, but I promise it’s not. The Storyteller Squad’s Kristen Gwen recently released another amazing Middle Grade book featuring Ophelia Starcluck and her...
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