The blog title may sound like chickbait…I mean clickbait, but I promise it’s not. The Storyteller Squad’s Kristen Gwen recently released another amazing Middle Grade book featuring Ophelia Starcluck and her feathered friends on the planet of Aves.
Each book in this series is so unique and fun. You can’t help but smile as you read about the characters eating termite popcorn, story world references to Charles Cheeplin and William Shakesfeather, and cities like Chick-ago or San-Fran-Finch-co. Every single detail is a hoot as bird creativity oozes in each scene, ensuring your young reader will fly through the pages.
Ophelia Starcluck and the Golden Egg picks up where book two leaves off. Keep reading to learn more!
Mistakes were made. Can Ophelia make them right?

Ophelia Starcluck is a chickling with guilt in her gullet. When she first arrived at BAST a few months ago, she made some horrible mistakes that hurt her friends and could have ended in a galactic war.
Now, she hopes to make it up to them at the Hard-Boiled Mystery Adventure, as they search for the Golden Egg. One hundred years ago, Nester City’s most notorious mobster, Tony Buzzini, stole this legendary Egg from the chickadee royalty. Clues left in Buzzini’s memoir could be the key to finding it.
But Ophelia and her friends aren’t the only ones searching. Duke Skysquawker is also on the lookout for this mysterious egg, and he’s recruited an ambitious mime to help him search. The duke will stop at nothing to get his wings on that Egg.
If the duke finds it first, he will be the most powerful bird on the planet, plunging them all into the chickadee’s evil, tiny clutches yet again. Ophelia can’t let that happen. Besides, if she and her friends find the Egg first, they’ll be famous. Surely then they’ll forgive her mistakes, and she can shake this icky, space sludgy feeling inside her.

I can’t recommend these books enough. The stories are full of great themes, such as friendship, forgiveness, courage, and kindness, that would spur on great conversations with your kids. I wish I could say more, but I don’t want to be a rotten egg and spoil the ending. With all the laugh-out-loud poultry puns and fowl language, these books would make the perfect family read aloud. This series would make an ideal Christmas gift for any reading enthusiast aged 8-12+.
Snag your copies on Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Learn more about Kristen Gwen and her creative series in this ARTICLE from our archives.
This previous ARTICLE also features the first two books in the Starcluck series along with other Storyteller Squad Middle Grade books, if you’d like to read more.

Since I’ve read these, I’ll add another two cents: These are cute books to giggle and cluck over! Gather the kiddos and read them out loud.
Thank you, Gretchen! I appreciate it!
*Cluck Over* 🙂 Love it! They are super fun books!
Thanks for the solar-tastic review, Elise!! Much appreciated!
Thank YOU for writing amazing books and releasing them into the universe!