Today I decided to post something different. Life has been crazy lately. My mother is dealing with health challenges and I’ve been helping her plus working on edits for Hesitant Heroes. I don’t have much time to write blog posts.
I love writing devotions. I’ve had several published through the years in Unlocked and other devotional magazines, mostly teen-oriented. I’m going to share a couple of the unpublished ones today.
Both of these devotions are about real-life experiences. Hope you enjoy them.

When You’re Going Under – PRAY
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26 (NIV)
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)
When I was a college senior, I spent a month in Mexico studying Spanish. One weekend I went to the beach with some friends. I’m not much of a swimmer but I love the water. I can stay afloat, but you’ll never catch me doing dives or soaring through the waves.
A hurricane churned a few hundred miles away and stirred up the water. Surfers had been wiping out all day. I stretched out on my back and let the waves rock me. It was very soothing until a riptide caught me and started dragging me farther out to sea. I was powerless against the tide. The more I struggled the more I went under. I cried out to God because I knew He was the only one who could save me. It wasn’t a pretty or poetic prayer—just a desperate cry for help. My mother, who was hundreds of miles away in Louisiana, had been worried about me all day and she was praying. No doubt our prayers combined before God’s throne and He paid attention.
Suddenly, a massive wave struck from behind and freed me from the riptide. I scurried to shore and didn’t get back in the ocean for the rest of the weekend. I believe God sent that special wave to set me free.
This story is a great picture of prayer. When you are going under—PRAY. You might not be trapped by a literal wave. Maybe you’re trapped by sorrow, fear, anger, drugs or alcohol. No matter what is pulling you under—Pray. God is stronger than the waves. He’s stronger than your circumstances, and He’s waiting to hear from you.
“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 (KJV)

Abba Father, I Trust You
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7 (KJV)
When I was four my mother wouldn’t let me go out and play, so I climbed out the window. Unfortunately, we lived in a second-floor apartment. As I dangled in the wind, clutching the ledge I knew I’d made a big mistake. Thankfully, my dad came home from work at that time and Mom asked him to go check on me.
I still remember Dad grabbing my wrist. He said that the minute he grabbed me; I let go of the ledge. If he hadn’t had a firm grip, I would have fallen to the spiky, winter-bare bushes below.
As an adult, I have a difficult time letting go but as a child, I believed Daddy could protect me. He was strong, and he could hold me. I could rest because my father was on the scene.
Why don’t I feel this way about God? He loves me and will never drop me. He will never leave or forsake me.
I should trust Him with that same childlike faith. Then I thought, Daddy is here I can let go. Nothing has changed. My Heavenly Daddy is here, and He holds me every day. Abba, Father, I trust You.
Beautiful devotions, Sharon. Thank you for sharing. In what publications have your devotions appeared? I hope your mom’s feeling better.
Thanks Jill. I’ve had several devotions published in Unlocked. It’s a teen devotional. I’ve had one published in The Secret Place.
Beautiful devotions. Thanks for sharing them. I enjoy hearing how God has worked and saved people. I’m keeping you and your mom in my prayers.
Thanks Michelle. I appreciate it.