Let’s face it. Writing is a profession where discouragement lurks just around the next rejection or stall in the story. One needs courage to persevere. What are some ways to keep us motivated in those times? Well, here are four ideas to get you started.
Remember what sets you apart
When you succumb to thinking there is too much competition and that others have already covered your idea, remind yourself that you have a unique story to tell. No one else has your experiences or perspective. Similarities may exist, but you have your own twists and elements, your own message to relay. To keep motivated, keep your eyes on your own assignments and do your best work. Keep submitting. Your time is coming.

Don’t compare
Do you have fewer followers and fewer subscribers than others? Did someone get a contract, and you’re still waiting? Stop comparing! God’s plan for you is not the same as someone else’s. By being consistent and faithful, you show tenacity. That’s a good quality to have. Others want you on their team. Waiting is hard, but don’t give up.
God is using you even if you might not see it. Be faithful in serving those who read what you write now. God knows whose hearts need to hear the words you write. Nothing is ever wasted. To keep motivated, cheer on others and remember God directs you. He doesn’t play favorites. He has enough for each of us.
Submit and Surrender to God
In whatever you write, write for the glory of God. It’s all about Him anyway. As you work toward your goals, cover them in prayer. Give the results to Him, and move on to the next task. God desires our obedience. He wants us to use our talents in the ways He asks. He understands our human tendencies. The fact that we press on despite the hardships and setbacks, despite our wavering at the brink of giving up shows determination. If we press on to the end, rewards await. Our lives may not look as we envisioned, but God has something much better planned if only we don’t quit. Give your dreams to God. Remember God’s plans are better than our plans.
Remember your why
Why do you write? Our stories aren’t about us. They are about the lessons God has taught us that get intertwined in the tales so others can live the adventure through the written pages.
Do you feel God’s pleasure when you write? After toiling over your story, do you feel satisfaction and joy, a sense of happy accomplishment even though you see endless hours of revision ahead? Writing is one form that God uses to change us, the writer, too. Though we seek to write powerful stories that impact our readers, we work through our own ideas and issues as the story gets worked out. A much bigger story is developing. The Author of that story never makes mistakes. He walks along with you on your journey. Enjoy creating with God.
Don’t quit
I’m surrounded by talented people. While I see how far I’ve come, sometimes the road ahead looks long and daunting. Discouragement lifts its ugly head, and I forget my motivation. I get caught up in the little yet overwhelming bits that make up the whole and forget the bigger picture. I start looking at others instead of God. I fear I’ve missed my chance. As long as we have breath and desire to write, God can and will use us.
Take a break and rest as needed, but sit back at your keyboard and write again. Write for God. Write for that one person who needs to hear your story. Finish the work God gave you. He has promised never to leave you or forsake you.
It’s hard, yes. But valuable experiences, the treasures in life, always cost something, usually a lot of sweat, tears, and prayer.
May God go with you in all you write. I’m cheering for you. What other ideas can you add to keep motivated?
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash.
Thank you for thsi great reminder, Michelle. I love the part when you said, “enjoy creating with God.” It gives a very different perspective. Thank you!
You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it. When we allow ourselves to let the stress go and just create with God, I think we have more fun. 🙂 I think He likes it when we hang out with him and ask His advice because it draws us closer to Him.
I am motivated by knowing the words I write may help others. I pray and ask God to give me the words He wants me to share.
Those are great suggestions, Melissa. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Such great reminders, Michelle! Thank you. 🙂
Thanks, Laurie. I’m glad you are encouraged. I need these reminders regularly, it seems. 🙂
Thanks Michelle! I resonate with your comment that God sometimes uses writing to change the writer.
Thanks for sharing, Gretchen. Yes, I think God is always teaching, though sometimes I see the lesson in hindsight. Better late than never, right?
Thanks for the motivation reminders — including “Don’t compare yourself to others,” and especially “Surrender and Submit to God.” Surrender and submit — that’s so important.
Thanks, Burt. I’m glad you liked the blog. You are a great encouragement to me also. We all need these reminders to keep us going.