Today, I am happy to welcome Tracy Crump to The Storyteller Squad. Last month you got a sneak peek into Tracy’s Chicken Soup for the Soul writing journey. Tracy also works as an editor and recently had a romantic short story published in Woman’s World Magazine.
Here is the rest of her interview.
Tracy, welcome to The Storyteller Squad!

You have been very successful in writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul. How many stories have you had published in Chicken Soup?
My 22nd story was recently published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive Live Happy.
We are both in the ACFW Memphis chapter and I know that you are also working on a fiction manuscript. What challenges do you face with the fiction compared to the non-fiction?
Though I use fiction techniques in my nonfiction stories, I have to be more diligent in watching for point-of-view shifts, avoiding “filter words” (which you wrote about in your wonderful article for my newsletter, Sharon), and researching facts to make sure my fiction is authentic. It’s different from telling a story that I know intimately, but it’s a lot of fun!
You also work as a freelance editor. Does your editing mind ever inhibit your creativity in a first or second draft?
I’m sure it does to a degree. And for a while, I tried to change since all the “experts” said not to edit as you go along, just get it down on paper. Then I had lunch with multi-published fiction author Brandilyn Collins when she keynoted at our conference. She said she finally learned that editing while writing was what worked best for her. It slows her down, but when she’s through, she pretty much has a finished product. I don’t worry about it now. I figure if it worked for someone who has written as many books as she has, it can work for me
I’ve published a number of individual devotions over the years and love digging deeper into Scripture and connecting it with the lives we live today. One thing we all experience at some time or another, either ourselves or with our families, is
You have a successful newsletter called The Write Life. Tell us a little about this newsletter.
The Write Life originated at the first Chicken Soup for the Soul workshop that
What advice would you give someone, young or old, who is trying to pursue their dream, whether it’s writing, singing, or being a doctor or lawyer or anything else?
I believe God gives us gifts and puts desires in our hearts to use those gifts for Him. I never dreamed I’d be doing the things I’m doing today. If you feel God is leading you to do something, be brave, learn all you can, and step out on faith. As my mother always said, “You’ll never know until you try.”

Tracy Crump’s devotions and articles have appeared in numerous publications, but she is best known for more than two dozen stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul® and other anthologies. Her course, “How to Write for Chicken Soup for the Soul,” is one of Serious Writer Academy’s top sellers, and she teaches workshops and webinars on writing for the series. Tracy is also a freelance editor and proofreads for Farmers’ Almanac. With two grandchildren and two more on the way, she believes “Grandma” is the most beautiful word in the English language. Visit Tracy at or
Great interview. Thank you, Tracy and Sharon.
Thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks, Diana! Always so good to hear from you.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Sharon!
So happy you were on our blog.
Thanks Sharon and Tracy for both practical and encouraging words!
Thank you for joining us, Gretchen!
Excellent interview. Motivated to write and start doing submissions to Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Happy to hear that. Thanks so much for stopping by. Sharon
Good for you, Joy! Let us know how you do.
I love reading about Tracy Crump. I have learned a lot from her. 🙂
Tracy is the best. Thanks for reading us, Melissa. Sharon
Awww, thank you, Melissa.
Welcome Tracy!! Can you guys please do a post on writing Halloween stories? I have a short spooky story due Friday!
Welcome Tracy! Can you guys do a post on writing Halloween short stories? I have one due this Friday!
Sorry we didn’t make your deadline Jillian. I’m sure you did a great job on your story though. Sharon
Thanks, Sharon for the spotlight on Tracy. She encouraged me to write years ago. Some day I hope to meet her:)
Thanks for reading this Kat. Tracy is great and sweet as can be.
Kat wrote our first regular newsletter column, Strange and Interesting Bible Facts. SHE’S the encourager!
Thanks to Tracy’s Chicken Soup class, my first CS story is published in the forthcoming Forgiveness Fix book (Nov. 5). I’m so excited! Thank you, Tracy!
That is wonderful. Congratulations! Sharon
And I’m excited for you, Karen! You did a fantastic job.