In this month’s introductory post, I promised to do something different for Friday Book Talk.
So, today I am going to concentrate on non-fiction, particularly Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Just about everyone has heard of these books and has probably read a story or two in one of them.
I was delighted when I got a story published in The Cat Really Did That, in 2017.

Tracy Crump, a member of the ACFW local Memphis chapter, has had 22 stories published in Chicken Soup!
That is quite an accomplishment!
In October, I will be posting an interview with Tracy but today I’m sharing a bit about her success with Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Tracy published her first magazine article in 2005. A couple of years later, a friend encouraged her to submit to a Chicken Soup for the Soul book for nurses, so she gave it a try. She submitted five stories, and they published two.
Tracy is always the first to say that if she can do it, we can do it!
That’s not necessarily true, but we can all give it a try.
I think writers should venture into both fiction and nonfiction. It definitely helps you grow as a writer and, like me, you may get one or two nonfiction articles published.
Tracy is also a speaker. She and fellow writer Andi Lehman have developed a seminar about writing for Chicken Soup and they present this at many writer’s workshops. She says she has a blast with the Chicken Soup workshops, and from the comments she receives, the attendees do, too.
When you need a change in your reading or writing direction-check out Chicken Soup for the Soul.
You can find submission information on their website or visit Tracy’s websites listed below.
Be sure and look for my full interview with Tracy Crump in October.
Leave a comment below and you may win a book at the end of this month!!!
Crump’s devotions and articles have appeared in numerous publications, but she
is best known for more than two dozen stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul® and
other anthologies. Her course, “How to Write for Chicken Soup for the Soul,”
is one of Serious Writer Academy’s top sellers, and she teaches workshops and
webinars on writing for the series.
Sounds good! Is “Chicken Soup for the Soul” a magazine?
No. They are books. Very nice, pretty books. They sell a lot too. They’ve been around for years and are very popular.
Hi, Jillian. To add to what Sharon said, Chicken Soup for the Soul are anthologies with 101 stories by different authors in each book. They publish true inspirational stories geared to a particular theme for each book.
I have been planning to submit to Chicken Soup for the Soul. This really gives me encouragement. Thank you. Thank you Tracy Crump. 🙂
Great to hear Melissa. Check back next month for the complete interview with Tracy.
We’ll be reading your stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul books soon, Melissa!
Thanks for the highlight, Sharon! Chicken Soup for the Soul is a great market for beginners or pros. And congratulations again on your story being published!
Thanks Tracy. Don’t forget to check back next month for your entire interview.