I am excited to introduce one of the talented writers from the American Christian Fiction Writers Memphis Chapter.
Loretta Eidson writes romantic suspense. She was a finalist in the Serious Writer Awards Writer of the Year Contest, she won first place in romantic suspense in the Foundations Awards at 2018 Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference and was a finalist in the 2018 ACFW Genesis, and a finalist in the 2018 Fabulous Five. She was a double finalist in the 2017 Daphne du Maurier contest.

Welcome Loretta! How many romantic suspense manuscripts have you written?
I’ve completed a trilogy, Impending Judgement. Each novel is a stand-alone book: Fatal Assignment, Breathing Shadows, and Silent Redemption. The next series I’m working on is Behind the Shield. This series will contain four romantic suspense novels on stalking. The first one is, or was, complete, but I keep revising the plot, and I’ve started on the fifth.
You have won several contests with these manuscripts. How did you feel when you received the announcement that your submission had become a contest finalist?
An exciting feeling of jubilation mixed with awe and unbelief tend to overwhelm me every time I become a semi-finalist, finalist, or winner. Just the thought that someone liked something I wrote well enough to place in a contest gives me the determination to keep pressing forward. I am honored.
What advice would you give writers who are considering entering a contest?
Do it! Don’t hesitate! Even if you don’t win, you’ll receive a mountain of information, suggestions, and critiques to help you improve your writing. Miracles can happen when you least expect it!
I found my agent through a contest, or I should say she found me. Tamela Hancock Murray with The Steve Laube Agency was the agent I’d prayed to connect with although I’d met and talked with many others. Unexpectantly, she happened to be the judge of a contest in which I was a finalist. She contacted the contest coordinator, who contacted me and asked permission to give an anonymous agent my phone number. Tamela called, and she became my agent. Guess who did the Snoopy Dance all around my office when God answered my prayer? Me, of course!
You are the current president of the ACFW Memphis chapter. What have you learned or gained by this experience?
Heading up a group of writers is a fun experience. Yes, it’s a responsibility, but it is an honor to get to know everyone, learn from their experiences, and celebrate their successes. Having board members makes the job easier. They are all team players, and they make the position of president a pleasurable one.
Another thing I’ve learned is that our group develops a sense of comradery when we go out to lunch after the meetings and fellowship. We get to know each other on a more personal level by sharing our thoughts and our goals.
Tell us a bit about your family.
Oh, I could talk about my family all day. They bless me so!
I’ve been married to Kenneth, a retired police captain and helicopter pilot, for twenty-four years this November 2019. We have a blended family of four children and thirteen grandchildren.
This year will be the twentieth year my grandchildren have come to my house two weeks before Christmas for our annual Christmas Sleepover at Grandma’s house! Yes, the oldest grandchild is twenty-two, and she still comes to the sleepovers. We’re all about making memories with our grands!
I have to include my two sisters! We have sister’s night out every other month, where we go to dinner at Bonefish Grill, hang out at Barnes and Noble and enjoy Starbucks and warm chocolate chip cookies.
I might add that all my writer friends are like family to me, too. I love getting to know them, throwing ideas around, and brainstorming. We all have a “life,” but writing is our call, our passion, our dream.
What advice would you give someone, young or old, who is trying to pursue their dream, whether it’s writing, singing, or being a doctor or lawyer or anything else?
Keep on keeping on! Press forward! Don’t give up! Study! Never stop learning!
It may not always be easy, and you may have to wade through a quagmire of difficulties, but maintain your focus. Your success will be worth it in the end.
I started writing when I was in my fifties. Yep. I’m still writing and believing my romantic suspense novels will be published in my lifetime.
If God gave you the desire, do your part, and God will do His.
Great advice from Loretta Eidson!
You can connect with Loretta at
In the next couple of months I’ll be introducing you to more of the great ACFW Memphis writers.
What a great interview! So happy Loretta is a Tamelite!
Loretta is great and I was so happy to get her on the blog.
Thank you, Tamela! I enjoyed answering the questions. I’m thrilled to be a Tamelite!
Thank you for having me, Sharon Rene!