This year we sold our house and moved a few belongings with our one-and-only plant into a friend’s basement apartment. I wondered how the plant, a Christmas cactus, would adjust to its different source of sunlight, a window which faced a different direction. Three months later, with a seat belt around the plant, we drove 1,100 miles across country to a new community and house. The plant never complained, but my heart did. Change is hard.
Everyone knows when a plant is dug up, its exposed roots will dry and the plant will die unless it is re-planted. We put the Christmas cactus near a window, unpacked, moved furniture around, painted rooms, and fixed up our new house. But we didn’t feel settled. The plant never cried, but I did. Change is hard.
The Christmas cactus belonged to a friend born in the early 1900’s, a woman who lived without luxury but had a content heart. She was always positive and pleasant, easy to talk with, and we were honored to be given her plant when she passed. Her plant never withered, but after our move—I did. Change is hard.
Bloom where you are planted. This stuck in my head, but I didn’t know how to bloom. We were transplanted and needed to grow roots in new soil. We took cookies to neighbors, introduced ourselves to strangers, and joined a weekly small group through church. Months passed. October. November. December. Although Christmas cactus are known for beautiful blossoms in December, our plant did not bloom, and neither did I. Change is hard.
Our plant is at least thirty years old and has not only survived different houses with a variety of windows, but it continues to grow. Memories of past challenges consoled me because I had grown through them, but I yearned for my old comfort zone. Change is hard.
Some changes occur over-night fast. Other changes are so minuscule you don’t notice what’s happening. In March, tiny buds on the cactus popped out and slowly swelled into deep intense-pink flowers. Breathtaking. The same month, we invited people over for food and games, and in the midst of new relationships, new friends, I heard myself laugh.
There are no quick fixes or formulas to make every change easy. It takes time and often hard work to bloom wherever you are planted.
Yes, change is hard, but with change are beginnings—which allow new growth, even beautiful blossoms. And for this, I am thankful.
Tell me about changes you are facing. I’d like to pray for you. Write me: http://gretchencarlsonwriter@gmail.com
Blessings Always – Gretchen

Great post and so true. Change is always hard but it can lead to something beautiful.
I love this wisdom. “Bloom where you’re planted” — we’ve all heard that. How cool to have an actual plant to show the way. And yes, change, even when we want it, and especially when we need it, still is hard.