Anybody remember the 90’s song, “The Power?” Even if you’re younger than me, you’ve most likely heard it in movies. There’s a line in it that goes, “I’ve got the power!” That’s all I remember from the song, but I remember that verse so clearly because of how it was shouted (or shrieked) so boldly and strong. So much, in fact, that I always considered the artists as somewhat cocky and arrogant. But as these words came to me again in light of some recent circumstances, God showed me something amazing. I’VE GOT THE POWER!
I decided to read through the lyrics to see exactly what was so important that the German group SNAP! had to sing this phrase 14 times in the song. Rap is NOT my thing, so I’m still trying to wrap my head around the meaning, but I can tell you I know what God was talking about when He said that to me. He was talking about the power each one of us possesses to be bold, brave, courageous, and to be ourselves.
It’s funny how sometimes what we want to help others with is the same thing we need. And yet, often times we are so busy with trying to help others solve their problems, we are blinded from the problem within ourselves and therefore need little reminders to take care of those things first. In each one of my stories I want my young readers to know that they are capable of doing great things even when faced with challenging circumstances.
I struggled one morning before work. Changes were taking place and I felt very nervous about an upcoming meeting scheduled for that day. That morning God reminded me how I am His daughter, and, as a result, I am a princess. I am royalty. He is the King, my heavenly Father, and therefore I have rights to everything He has given me-including power to overcome the evil forces surrounding us.

I then lifted my chin, pushed my shoulders back, and told myself in the mirror, “You’ve got the power. You can do this. No matter what happens today, I hold the power to be brave and strong.” So, remember, when you feel scared, unsure of how you’ll get through this difficult situation, put on your crown and remind yourself of who you are. You’ve got the power. Use it!
Great post that I needed to read today. Thanks for the reminder that we have the power in our all mighty God.
Amen. God gives us strength and power through Him. Those times when we are weak, He will carry us. 🙂
Melissa, Yes! Those times of our weakness are times of great strength!
Sharon, I’m so glad it was timely for you. For me as well. That’s my prayer. Keep walking as a princess!