The over-arching theme in my Divine Destiny young adult series comes straight out of the book of Esther.
. . . . And who k nows but t hat you h ave come to r oyal p osition for s uch a time as t his.
Esther 4:14 (NIV)
I’ve always loved the story of Queen Esther. It’s much like a fairytale and one of the few Biblical books where a female has the starring role.
When I started writing Hesitant Heroes several years ago, I wanted to incorporate the theme of finding our place in the world and doing God’s will.
The book takes place in the year 2062 but the planet has been practically destroyed by disasters and wars.

The kids in my books have grown up in tough circumstances yet they each have special abilities and when they form a team, they are able to make a huge difference in their world.
I truly believe we are all created and placed in certain surroundings for a unique purpose.
It is especially important for young people to realize that their lives matter and their lives affect other people. Young adults face many crucial decisions.
- Should they play sports or study harder in high school?
- What extra-curricular events to take part in?
- And what about finding the right college and the best career?
This is also the time when young people fall in love and get married. So it’s safe to say this is a critical time in life.
When I was younger, I didn’t take things as seriously as I do now. I didn’t realize that God had created me for a certain purpose, but now I believe He placed me in my family, in a certain town and country and at a certain time period.
I’ve recently started watching Downton Abbey. (I know. I’m always at the end of every trend!) I love to see the beautiful architecture and stylish clothes but I’m very grateful to live in the 21st century!
Ephesians 2:10 is another great verse that complements Esther.
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
God created each one of us with special talents and abilities, and He has already planned that we should do good works. He has designed a path for us and we must pray for direction and guidance.
In Hesitant Heroes the main character, Jordan, is drawn to the story of Queen Esther. Like Esther, Jordan and Team Seven are plunged into a dangerous situation and they have to use their abilities to rescue other students and prevent the assassination of a political figure.
Jordan believes that God put Team Seven in a certain spot for a certain purpose and I weave this theme through Relentless Rebels and Defying Destiny too.
If you haven’t read the exciting story of Esther, I encourage you to read it. And I encourage you to commit your talents and abilities to the Lord.
Whether it’s teaching Sunday school, reading to children at the library, visiting the elderly, or sending cards to soldiers-God has prepared good works for you to walk in.
Don’t miss out!
If you’d like to learn more about my YA series and other writing adventures, please go to my website and sign up for my newsletter Your Dream Your Destiny.